Chapter 4 | New Company

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(Y/N) walks down the main hall of the manor, her slight heels clicking against the red embroidered carpet, muffling the sound of her steps. A small smile traces her lips at the sound of fluttering wings behind her, a few strands of her (H/C) hair flying in front of her face as she whips her head over her shoulder, her small smile turning into a grin at the sight of the familiar white dove following her.

Pierre cooes lightly as he lands on the mahogany railing, bopping up and down for a moment as he waits for the young Mistress to catch up with him. The two soon swiftly race down the rest of the staircase, (Y/N) lifting up her dress as to not trip over the fabric whilst Pierre slides down the railing, emitting a slight squeaking noise as he does so. Reaching the end of the railing, she grins as the dove gracefully flies off the tip of the railing and playfully twirls around her head with a light coo.
"Come along, Pierre, we have to—" she stops abruptly, eyes widening as her smile fades, anxiety gurgling in the pit of her stomach. Standing at the door of the manor was one of the maids ushering inside three men, all rather tall and well built in structure with a few bags and what seems to be a box full of tools and a crate of materials.

Swallowing nervously, she takes a step back before hiding behind the curtain of one of the large and empty dining rooms in the main hall, peering out to watch the events occurring, Pierre fluttering in shortly after. The shorter of the trio was talking to the maid whilst the others brought in the few remains of their luggage. The male talking held himself with pride, features slim and proportioned; he was proper and had an air of elegance and expectation around him. His hair was combed neatly, straying out from his orchid coloured orbs, a few strands sticking up in the side part stylishly. A pair of slightly rounded glasses rested across the bridge of his nose, a single mole located on the left below his plush lips. He had fair skin that was well cared for and seemed rather toned, but not incredibly so. His bodily structure was soft yet lean, making it obvious he spent most of his time indoors.

Coming inside with a decent sized crate was an interesting looking man

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Coming inside with a decent sized crate was an interesting looking man. He sports a mischievous smirk upon his lips whilst chatting away to the other he was working with, a snake like laugh escaping him. He was odd— she could tell that much. He had rather pale skin, but not sickeningly so, and a handful of snowflake white locks arranged messily atop his head, enhancing the beauty of his ruby red irises. He was lean, but still decently muscular and certainly strong by the looks of it; he held himself high, yet had some sort of playful and prideful aura around him.

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