Chapter 3 | A New Face

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(Y/N) paces back and forth in her room, growing bored at the lack of activities. Every now and again, she would lift up her head to glance out the window, her eyes gazing longingly over the green fields she wishes to adventure across, even if it's just for a small while. Her bedroom door suddenly creaks open.

At the sound, the young Mistress whips her head towards the person entering. It was a young girl, maybe a few years below her age, with short, cropped blonde hair that sits above her shoulders, wide, innocent aqua orbs and pale yet fair skin. In her hair is a purple ribbon, a small accessory as a means to amplify her innocence. Her outfit consists of a modest red dress, a pattern of stripes with different shades, the collar of it white, secured with a black bow-tied ribbon. The dress sits below her knees, the top of the sleeves puffy whilst the dress gently hugs her around the wait, with the assistance of a bow situated behind her. The cuffs of her wrists are white, with three buttons so the sleeves don't get in the way of her grasp, the bottom of the dress sporting white ruffles.

The young girl closes the door behind her, a small smile on her lips as she enters further into the room

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The young girl closes the door behind her, a small smile on her lips as she enters further into the room. She glances at the untouched tray of food and tea on the table.
"I see you haven't touched your breakfast," Her voice is soft and sweet with a touch of a foreign accent, matching her appearance perfectly, "not to worry! I brought you some more food that you might like." She lifts the tray of food in her hands onto the table, beside the other one, gently pushing the cold edibles away.

"Who are you?" (Y/N) questions, eyeing the food suspiciously before turning her attention to the girl.

She smiles, "My name is Lili, I'm Miss Héderváry's servant— or maid if you prefer. And she's Lord Kirkland's— although he tends to leave the manor, which makes his son in charge a majority of the time," she giggles slightly, "I'll be doing some of the housework up here, I'm waiting on you a bit— Oh, you haven't changed! Let me help you with that—"

"I don't need any help maintaining myself, thank you," (Y/N) declines sharply, taking a step back as the young girl steps towards her.
Lili tilts her head.

"What about the corset?"
She eyes the discarded garment on the floor, a small, understanding look in her aqua orbs as she smiles timidly.

(Y/N) takes in a sharp breath, thinking for a moment, "...Fine. But that will be it, yes?" The young girl nods happily, seemingly proud that she is able to help in someway. The Mistress's cold demeanour softens at the kind nature of the girl— not having the heart to stay angry or frustrated with her. The young girl skips towards the corset, picking it up before walking back to the woman she was tending to. Her hands a gentle and soft as she presses the bodice around (Y/N)'s waist, tying the strings behind her back securely, not too light so it seemingly cuts of her bloodstream, but not loose enough so it becomes a struggle to stop it from falling.

The (H/C) haired female observes the cheerful girl, noticing how her hands ghost over the corset as to not force it onto her body, not wanting to hurt her.
"You are, quite strange..." she mutters out, her posture still and straight. Lili giggles.

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