Chapter 2 | A Silent Cry

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The creaking of a door quickly followed by clicking footsteps causes (Y/N)'s (E/C) to snap open in alarm. She lays still for a moment before her stiff figure relaxes, her eyes closing again in frustration as she huffs.
A few clinks and rattles of utensils are heard as a silver tray is placed on the dark wooden desk on the far side of the wall from the door, the curtains suddenly rustling open as they're pinned back by ropes, allowing the sun's bright, golden rays to shine into the room and onto the once resting girl's figure.

"Ah, Ah, Ah!" Ms Héderváry's voice tuts at the sight of a feminine figure still contently laying in the ocean of silk and cotton, "rise and shine, deary."
She pulls back the covers from the frustrated woman's chin, the growing young lady cracking an eye open to glare at the brunette who ignores her scowl and continues on with her duties.

"This morning is going to be busy— so you are to stay in this room, otherwise address someone else to lead you elsewhere in the mansion that is nowhere near the eastern wing," Elizaveta instructs, pulling back another set of curtains before swiftly stepping around the bed, picking up the few discarded clothes on the ground.

(Y/N) tilts her head ever so slightly, her glare subconsciously lessening into a more curious look, "Why?"

"The master is coming and is not to be disturbed—"

"Can I see him?"

Elizaveta stops in her tracks and suddenly lets out a loud laugh, seemingly gasping for breath as she scowls at the girl, "The master has absolutely no business with you and doesn't ever intend to."

"But I live on his property, therefore I am permitted to see him when needed," (Y/N) argues back firmly, clutching the bed covers in her hands tightly.

"You will be permitted to see him when he lets you, which will not be for as long as you are here!" The Hungarian maid hisses out, glaring at the insistent young woman from the corner of her eyes, "as I have stated before, you are not to leave this room unless necessary. If you wish to leave, address another staff member for the gardens-"

(Y/N) scoffs, "In this attire? I think not." She motions to her slightly crumbled undershirt she had worn to bed due to the fatigue that had been in her system the night before.

"Well, you can dress yourself, can't you?" Ms Héderváry rolls her eyes, an amused smirk on her lips at the sight of a slightly disgusted and embarrassed look making its way onto the young one's face at the suggestion.

"Of course I can!—"

"Good. Now, behave yourself and stay out of my way," and with that, Elizaveta huffs one last time, sending a stern look to the resident of the room before shutting the double doors of the room with a slight slam.

After a few moments, (Y/N) lets out a huff and finishes her glaring session with the door, finally deciding to get out of bed. She slips out from the covers, shivering slightly at the feeling of the cold floorboards/tiling on the ground, looking around the room as she takes the time to admire it.
Due to her being to tired the previous day, as soon as she had entered the room her mind had gone blurry, all she had wanted to do was sleep at the time— although the rude and sudden awakening during the current morning had already put her in a bad mood— to say the least.

 Due to her being to tired the previous day, as soon as she had entered the room her mind had gone blurry, all she had wanted to do was sleep at the time— although the rude and sudden awakening during the current morning had already put her in a b...

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