Chapter 5 | The Hidden Garden

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"I'll move at my own pace, woman!"

"Watch your mouth with me," Elizabeta narrows her eyes at the defiant girl across from her, "whether you move or not is my problem. At this rate I'll be wrinkled and gray by the time you finally step foot outside."

(Y/N) huffs, "Where's Lili?"

"Tending to more important matters," (Y/N) can't help but feel slightly hurt at the statement, but quickly disregards it due to her distaste for the Hungarian who moves to stand beside her, "the staff on leave are returning day by day and soon, the master will need to be up and about. And I don't want you getting in the way."

"As if I would," The (E/C) eyed girl snarls, "though I wouldn't put it past going out of my way to do so in spite of you!"

"Oh sit down!" The Hungarian scoffs, forcing her to sit as she tends to her hair, "so sensitive aren't you."

"You're just a—"

"Lili will meet you in the east corridor by the kitchens," Elizabeta interrupts curtly, brushing through the girl's hair, "you've been cooped up in this room for far too long, you look like a ghost."

"Only because you won't let me go anywhere else—ah!" (Y/N) yelps as the female brushing her hair tugs on it to pull her head back. She winces before taking in a sharp breath as the brown haired woman places her lips by her ear as she speaks, causing the fine hair on her neck to rise.

"What did I say about talking back, hm?" There's a subtle sharpness to her words, her closeness and tone of voice causing a red flush to appear on the younger's cheeks. (Y/N) thins her lips into a flat line and scowls to herself as her stomach tumbles at her low volume. Elizabeta lets out a smug hum at her silence, releasing her grip and resuming her hair brushing, "that's what I thought."

Finally, after a little more nitpicking and a petty exchange of words between the two, (Y/N) is sent out of the room and to the east corridor by the kitchens just as Elizabeta had said, soon spotting Lili waiting with a light coat beneath one of the archways, "Lili!"

"Ah, Miss (Y/N)!" The young blonde smiles as they meet, "sorry I wasn't able to wait on you this morning, I was tasked with dusting the banisters and then aiding in the kitchen. I hope you slept well." She happily keeps up the conversation as she helps put on (Y/N)'s coat. The older female hums.

"Indeed, I slept fine. Although my wake up call was unnecessary and brute." She mutters the last bit with a frown. Lili giggles at her misfortune causing her frown to turn into a pout, "it's not funny..."

"No, no," Lili grins, patting her down, "not at all, young miss." Her words cause the smallest of smiles to trace (Y/N)'s lips, "I believe you're heading for the gardens today?"

"Yes," (Y/N) nods, "I haven't been out it a while. It's about time I familiarise myself with the area."

Lili picks up a scarf from the rack behind her and gently wraps it around the other's neck, ensuring that it's not too tight but keeps her warm, "Well, there's a lot to see. The land abounds from the manor, so really only a few people know the full layout from past the gardens," She brightens, "oh! Maybe I can send Alfred to guide you."

"Alfred?" (Y/N) raises an eyebrow. Lili nods.

"Mhm! He's the errand boy. Well, not really. He's close to the Master, and often keeps the manor in check when he's away, though because he takes on so many tasks we've just taken to calling him the errand boy." She laughs lightly at the title, "my big brother also knows his way around. If you want, I could send him for you! He's a little bit quiet, but he means well. Ah, and Antonio knows the gardens well! I'm sure Lovino does too..." (Y/N)'s head spins at all the names and she struggles to keep up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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