Chapter 5

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Ethan's POV

It was lunchtime when I sat down on the plastic orange chair to  eat. It was a bit early for lunch, but I didn't mind. I needed some energy, anyway. Suddenly, just as I was about to bite into my Subway, someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was. 

"Ethan, it's okay. I understand your situation. Just remember I'm here to talk about it, okay?" Mrs. Thompson, my Physics teacher said as she walked away. 

I can't believe she even tossed me a sympathized look. Was she fucking kidding me? Did they, like, discuss my little "problem" in the teacher's lounge or something?

Zack sat down beside me after I took one huge bite of my Subway. 

"Yo, Ethan! What's up?" he asked. 

"Fuckin' teachers popping up everywhere," I replied. 

"Huh? What do you mean?" Zack asked as his eyebrows scrunched together. 

"I mean, all day. Teachers. Non-stop. They keep reminding me that I'm about to be kicked off the team because of Calculus!" I said. 

"Dude. Calm down. Aren't you taking that exam Mr. Fenners suggested? And the tutoring shit?" 

I nodded. 

"Then it's all OK. Just ignore the teachers." he re-assured me.

"That's the hard part. They're everywhere." I groaned.

Zack laughed as the rest of the basketball team sat down on each of the chairs surrounding their table. In less than a minute, the whole table was noisy and buzzing with excitement. I didn't really feel like talking, so I decided to look for my new friend Samantha. Well, she wasn't really a new friend. But whatever. 

After five long minutes of craning my neck to find her, I finally did. 

There, at the back of the cafeteria, Samantha Williams sat beside Logan Hoffman. Again.

Logan wasn't really a nerd. There were no nerds in Kelson Academy. There were no bullies either. It works differently. You either get known, or you blend in the gray wall. I guess Logan was both. 

I've always heard about girls chasing after Logan. I mean, he wasn't bad-looking. He had gray eyes. So gray that it could be seen even from where I was sitting. He had glasses, of course, but it didn't make the effect less striking. 

He was well-built and muscular for a guy who spent most of his time in front of the computer, judging that he was the vice president of the computer club, which was saying a lot. 

Suddenly realizing that I was staring for too long, of course it had sent a signal to the both of them. Samantha looked up and waved. 

I felt my face turning hot. I gave her a small nod and a wink and went back to eating my lunch. So much for staying under-cover. In a minute, someone blocked my way. It was Denise from yesterday. 

"Hi, Ethan! I was wondering...I had loads of fun yesterday and I wanted you to come over to my house later. Let's say, 9?" she asked seductively. 

It was tempting, but she wasn't that good. At least, for me. "I think I'm a bit busy, Denise. But maybe next time?" I said, avoiding her strong gaze at me. 

"Okay. Next time." she smiled and went back to her own friends who we all call sluts.


It was finally dismissal, so I was walking towards my car in the parking lot. It had been a boring day, and I had no tutor sessions with that nerd Samantha. Maybe I should've taken that offer from Denise at lunch. I could use a bang in this time.

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