Part 9: The Second Dream

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It's been two weeks or so, I'm about 80% recovered, still can't walk without my crutches but eh, what can I do. This chapter was originally two parts but I combined them together.

Now that is out of the way, enjoy this chapter~

Izuku had found himself in a white void, it was quiet and dull. No air flow what so ever.

"Hello" Izuku shouted. It began to echo.

Izuku began to walk off into a random direction. After walking a few minutes or what felt like minutes. Izuku could hear a child laughing behind him. Izuku quickly turned around revealing nothing. He just stared into the distance before turning back.

As he turned back around the room went completely dark, leaving nothing. Izuku began to panic as he couldn't see anything. His body then began to illuminate a warm glow. He could see his body glowing a bright yellow. The warm glow reminded him of the sun. It was a nice feeling.

"This is what they meant by me being the sun." Izuku mumbled to himself

Izuku started walking again, his glowing body illuminating his path for him. He heard crying a he continued forward. He back to worry,

'Is it the same child as before or something else.' Izuku thought

Izuku followed the crying to reveal a boy hugging his knees as his crying could be heard.

"Um, hello, I'm here to help you." Izuku said with a smile.

"I'm lost, I don't know where I am." The boy said looking at Izuku.

The boy was see though, outlined with stars.

"I'll help you, Umm..." Izuku said

"My name is *redacted*" The boy said.

"Well, I'll help you *redacted*, I'm also kinda lost but I'll find my way out." Izuku said with smile and offering his hand, this made the boy stop crying,

"Okay mister." *redacted* said getting up and grabbing Izuku hand.

"Let's see, do you have any parents *redacted*?" Izuku asked while walking with the boy.

"I don't know, I kinda just woke up here, not knowing anything but my name." *redacted* replied.

Izuku nodded continuing to walk.

Timeskip 5 hours

As Izuku was walking with the boy who was on his back asleep. Izuku felt something in the distance. It was a light, similar to his but accompanied by another. It felt familiar but he couldn't place it.

Izuku approached the light, and touched it. It revealed his suit along with the second light revealing a silhouette.

The first suit then spoke
"Are you ready to wield this power"

Izuku felt the boy getting off his back. *redacted* just stood next to Izuku confused as he look at the two figures before him.

Izuku felt his hand reach out and touch the suit's chest. This was on impulse but Izuku felt his body glow even more.

"You are deemed worthy, Solaire"
The first suit spoke.

"Solaire, who Solaire if I might ask" Izuku said.

"I am Excalibur Solaire, I am one of two beings. And you are capable of wielding my powers." Solaire said before disappearing into particles.

"He has passed down his powers as I have as well, it is time to wake up now." The Second Suit spoke before touching Izuku forehead.

Izuku felt lightheaded, and collapsed onto the ground. He felt tired.

*redacted* just smiled and said "It's nice seeing you Dad, say hi to Mum for me. "

Izuku however couldn't hear this as he fell asleep.

In the real world
Izuku shot awake screaming. He looked down to see Kaela asleep and holding his hand. Izuku was thinking
'How cute... Wait did I just call her cute... I just met her... I couldn't have fallen in love at first sight... right?'

Izuku was know flustered, he regained composure and nudged Kaela to wake her up.

"Huh... Just a few more minutes... Please" Kaela mumbled half awake

Izuku just giggled hearing this. This woke Kaela up. She stared Izuku and then at her hand and back at Izuku. She realized what she was doing and let go of her hand. A clear blush on her face.

"Sorry, I didn't know I was doing that!" Kaela said blushing even more.

"No problem Kaela, everyone makes mistakes sometimes." Izuku replied with a smile

Kaela just smiled back with the blush still on her face.

"Oh, I need to go get mother, to tell her you are awake." Kaela said standing up and leaving the room.

'Definitely cute!' Izuku thought.

"Ahem!" Orion said in the corner getting Izuku's attention.

"So you like her, dont cha?" Orion said teasing Izuku

Izuku looked away with his face being a tomato.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Orion said

"Hello, it's seems you are awake." The Lotus said at the doorway. "Now, tell me what was the dream about, my child." Lotus asked.


Izuku has a child, NANI?

Whos the mother you might ask, the mother is important to the story.

Who was the other figure standing beside Solaire.

Questions that will be answered soon.
Thank you for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

This was a custom rendition of The Second Dream from Warframe.

Also had to put the scene of Kaela and Izuku in there just for some laughs.

This has been your author Tomas 'Raorik' signing off

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