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Lucy POV

"I'm engaged," I said to myself, staring at the ring on my finger. I still couldn't believe it. Natsu was in the living room, with Gray. I never thought he would propose to me. Every-time I look at the ring my heart flutters.

"Bye Lucy! Congrats!" Gray suddenly appeared in front of me. I smiled.

"Thanks," It's unbelievable. Just a year ago, I used to like Gray. I began to laugh at the thought.

"Oi' are you okay?" Gray looked at me as though I was crazy but it only made me laugh even more.

"I'm f-fine!" I began to calm down, "it's just that, I use to have a huge crush on you just a year ago."

"Same here, before Juvia came." We began to laugh together.

"I use to be like; ohh Gray, I love you soo much; oh god he's so cuteee!" We laughed even harder.

"Lucy, marry me! Your so hot!" This made me began to tear up.

"I'm glad to hear that you guys love each other so much," We abruptly stopped laughing. Natsu had walked in and he didn't look very happy.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Gray stood up.

"You know exactly what the hell im talking about!" I quickly caught on. He heard us but he took it the wrong way.

"Natsu, we were talking about—"

"Save it. I hope you guys are happy together." I mentally face palmed.

"Hear Her out!" Gray grabbed Natsu by the shoulder as he tried to walk out the door.

"Why should I? Your both liars!" Natsu growled.

(I know I never really change the POV's but now it's Natsu's POV)

I couldn't believe it. Lucy, was cheating on me with my best friend. That scum. I could feel the angry coursing through my veins. But that feeling was quickly rushed away by sadness. I love her with all my heart. How could she do this to me?

"Natsu, a year ago, me and Gray used to like each other. We were just talking about how crazy that was." Lucy said. Is that why they were laughing?

"Oh," was all I could say. I have to be the stupidest person alive, how could I jump to conclusions like that?

"Yeah, so next time listen idiot." Gray rolled his eyes. Idiot?

"PFFT! Me? Idiot? Look at you! You like to strip for a hobby." Lucy giggled.

"That's enough. Gray, I'm sure Juvia is waiting for you," With that Gray left, throwing me an angry look. Eh, who cares? Screw em'. "Natsu, did you really think I would try to hook up with Gray?"

(3rd POV now)

"Kinda—I mean, I trust you and all but you guys are really close and stuff," He added quickly, noticing Lucy's sad expression. He sighed, "I'm sorry, I jumped to conclusions."

"It's fine," She smiled.

"But next time I ever hear you say Gray is cute, whether you mean it that way or not, I'll be very mad." He whispered, seductively in her ear. She turned bright red. Natsu chuckled, "Your so cute,"

"Shut—shut up!"

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