It was 24 of march of 2017, Chance and Anthony arrive to LA their best friend bought them one way ticket to start a New life living with him.
In the airport...
J: guys...
Chantony: Jake...
They boys hug and Go to taco bell to eat like they always did in Ohio
A few days later...
The boys went out to eat, so Jake decide to show off to his friends and start runing a lot fast them 100 miles hour. They came to a curve and Jake Lost Control of the car.
They car crash and its bad. Jake and Anthony are taken to the hospital in Very bad condicional. Chance died on the scene.
Days pass, the boys are devasted and things got worse.
In the boys hospital room...
Police: Excuse, Jake Joseph Paul?
J: yes its me
P: (handcuffed them to the bed) you under arrest for the murder of Chance Sutton and atentive of murder of Anthony Trujillo.
Tony:what?! He didnt try killing me or kill Chance.
P: he was runing so he was aware of the risk.
In the tribunal a month later.
Judge: Jake Joseph Paul i consider you guilt and senteced you to 10 years with no parol.
Everything change that day and the wordl het going whiout Jake.
10 years later...
Erika Povs
Today Jake gets out of jail i scared of his reaction alot happen in this years, things we didnt told him. Last time i Saw him was 3 years ago, we talk troght letters he got in a fight and lost visting rights.
No one Povs
Anthony was the one going to pick up Jake and take him to Logan.
In front of jail...
The gate opens and the boys see eacthoter and hug like was no tomorrow.
T: i miss you Jake
J: miss you too. You need to tell what you doing with your life.
T: i will but lets talk in Logan house. You have alot to catch up on .
The arrive at the Maverick house...
J: wow.. this us my brother house?
T: yes It his. So before we Go in i want to say If you need to leave Just Tell me.
J: why would i ?
T : you gonna see.
They Go in the fisrt one Jake see his is Mom they run for eacthoter.
P: hi baby i miss you.
J: i miss you too mom. Where is Logan?
P,: before that we need to talk sit i gonna bring some to Join us.
J: okay you beign weird.
Jake and Tony sit down while wanting for Pam to come back.
J:what she doing here?
Alissa: hi Jake i can explain If you let me?
P: lets sit down ans talk
They sit all 4 of them
A: i know you have alot of questions so i gonna be simple. I marry Logan 8 years ago he gonna explain why he didnt Tell you later. But our marriage its not what we need to talk right now.
J: you marry my brother. What more important tham that!
A: Logan its not the same okay and we want you to be prepared.
J: what you meaning i lost.
A: Sorry guys this isnt working, i doing my way.
P: Alissa Violet Paul dont.
A: Sorry. Jake follow me.
They Go in back...
A: there is the playroom Go there and get your anserws.
Jake goes and opens the door he is shock. The stand Logan better wet sit he was in a wheel chair playing vídeo games with a kid.
J: Logan...
L: Jake You out come here i miss you little brother
J:(stays frozen) what happen?
L: i thought they tell you.
J: no they didnt.
L: sit i tell you but first i want you to meet my son. Jax rembers the story about uncle Jake so that him.
Jax:( hugs Jake) Nice to meet to uncle Jake.
J: Nice to meet you too. Who old are you?
Jax:6 years.
J: i lost alot.
L: Jax Go play with uncle Tony
The little boy ran off
L: sit let me Tell what happen
L:It was about 4 years ago , i was shot in robbery gone bad. I was in Ohio, Jake dad got shot too but he died i sorry.
J: dad is dead?
L: yes
J: i wasnt there. What more happen? Dad died, you cant walk and Alissa its your wife.
L: a lot happen in 10 years Jake life move on. And you knew i loved Alissa.
J: i gonna leave i need to think. Bye
Goes back inside..
J: Tony lets leave now please.
Tony takes Jake to taco bell.
T: i know you miss this.
J: i did. I need a favor
T: anything
J: i want to know everything of the last 10 years. Good and bad. I Just need to rip the baind off.
T: okay lets start.
Tony POV
The good First..
Erika is Victoria Secret model and lives in NY. I a actor i working for ABC right now and i marry and have a kid. Team 10 its big bro Nick made It happen hes gonna fill you in later.
The bad also happen, things you know as your father death and Logan injury.And Martinz twins died too.
And we Lost contact with Tristan and Tessa they got marry and move away. But i want you know one thing, you gonna get the life you deseverd. We all will help.
Today you slepping at my place then for that we figured things out.
Jake POV
We get to Tony house ( team 10 house in Calabasas) and It huge. I meet his family and Go to sleep think about the next move.
Days pass...
I trying to get my life together, having meetings and meetings. Alot of people dont want me in business because i spend time in jail. I try calling Erika but she is busy so we dont talk anymore. Me and Logan are trying to figured things out but i still cant believe he marry Alissa.
I 27 years old i dont really have a job anymore my Channel was delete and team 10 isnt my anymore as Nick informed me.
Everyone move on i lose and feel alone. I cant be here anymore.
I pack my things and leave a goodbye letter : " Tony, i left to find my self dont look for me. Thank you for ALL and say to Logan i happy for him. Until sometime."
I start the journey in Vegas then Ohio to visit my dad and them Canada.
Months later...
I in Europe rigth now i love this life i found Just traveling no bonds. I working on a bar in spain for now for money to the next location.
I see this beautiful girl walk in with her friends, american i could Tell for the accent .
J: hi Jake i be your waiter tonight
( The night pass and the girls ask the bill)
J: here and for you this ( gives his number)
Next day..
M: hi i Maddie the girl from the bar want to meet?
J: yes when and where?
M: today and your choice
J: good i pick you up send me your adress.
Jake picks Maddie up and they Go have a pinic a beautiful lake.
J: Tell me about you Maddie.
M: okay.. i 27 years old, i a writter. I from Texas but live in Chicago now. And i have a little sister. What about you?
J: i 30 years old, i a traveler lets say this. I from Ohio but i backpacking for the moment. And i have a older brother.
M: you Jake Paul isnt? The Youtuber arrested for murder years ago.
J: yes i am and this where you leave.
M: i not leaving, i was a Jake Paulers i so sad when you got arrested. I believe your version.
J : thank souch for believing.
They spend hours talking It was easy like meant to be.
M: i sad i leaving tomorrow but If you deacide to Go to Chicago some day find me.
J: i will.
Jake spend the night tossing in bed, his mind on Maddie.
In the airport...
: Maddie!! ( She turns around)
M: Jake what you doing here?
J: i going with you. I lost 10 years of my life and lost myself. When i Saw for the first time something switch i not leatting you go.
M: so lets buy a ticket
No one POV
They went back to Chicago, there they fall in love. Maddie save him give him a New life. Jake turn in social media consulter and his girl wrote a book about his life history.
Jake POV
Today its a big day i being with Maddie for almost a year só i gonna propose today.
J: hey babe want to Go to dinner with me?
M: i love too.
I plan everything ...
After dinner starts playing "You are the reason" by Calum Scott, i old song that i love.
J : Maddie Lesher you made me came alive, you tought me real love. I cant live whoiut you. So ( gets on one knee) would you marry me?
M: yes
They kiss and days pass.
J: babe i going to LA i fixing things whit my family and friends.
M: i Go with you.
They went to LA and Jake fix things with Logan and everyone and of course invite them for the wearing.
Months later Wearing day.
Prist: Do you Maddie Lesher take Jake Joseph Paul to be your husband, and swear ti love him and protect him to death throw you apart?
M: yes
P: Do you Jake Joseph Paul take Maddie Lesher to be your wife and swear to protect and love her to death throw you apart?
J: yes
P: i now deaclare you husband and wife, you may Kiss the Bride. I present to you Jake and Maddie Paul.
Paul Brothers Sad One Shots
FanfictionFairytale dont exist in real life... People get hurt, people die.