Looking in the wrong place

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January 2019
Coments about Erika weight  was surfing she was getting a lot skiner but was healthy, but in the other side the once power couple things were down hill.
Jake was working out but over the top, everybody was concerned but he was fine just working his emocions out.
Adam:bro its the end of pratice lets go eat.
J: i just gonna run a few more minutes them Go in promise
A few days pass...
Jake woke up around 4 am and went to run, but he knew his friends dont like when he does that so he went back to bed after the run. And that wasnt the only thing he was hiding. In the start he hide runs,them extra workout and one night thing got really bad.
Chef B made a mexican dinner night, everyone eat a litlle to much and Jake got self consient.
Jake POvs
As i stand in front of the mirror and i dont undestand why even whith some much work out i still gain weight. I need to stop eat this much and eat right, but i need to get this extra weight of me. And this who It started, he put his fingers down his troath.
The next day.
I decided to go vegan, Logan did and lost so much weight.
Everyone was weird out by vegan Jake but no one knew what was happen.
Being vegan work he was losting weight, but combined with extra work out and puking most of his meals he got skinny fast. He lost 22 pounds in a couple weeks. And by them everyone notice and was worry
Team 10 and Logan decided  to have a metting to discuss Jake situacion.
Logan: okay Jake it always ignoring me , and everyone can see that he is to skinny. So the people here that live with him can Tell me what the hell is happing?
Tony: calm down bro he is ignoring everyone, he dosent eat with us dosent work out. Something its really wrong.
Adam: he fired me he say he dosent need a personal train anymore.
Tony: he did what? Okay i vote for a intevencion
Everyone agree and head to Jake house.What they found change everything.
Jake was liyng on his bathroom floor with blood coming out of his mouth.
They call a ambulance and took him to hospital
Later that day...
Doctor: Family of Jake Paul?
D:he is sleeping now but come be fine for now.
L: what you mean!
D:he way under the weight for someone with 6.0 feet. And for what you guys told me i believe he is Anorexic.
The news lefth everyone shock. The next days in the hospital were hard.
Jake didnt want to eat , he as just say he was fat.
So they did a real intervencion. They, in case Logan as his medical proxy, put Jake in a hospital for his deacese a program that would last 30 days.
Jake was pissed but was forced.
In there with talks with nutricionist and terapeuts he got better. He was indeed Anorexic with was cause by a depression.
In these 30 days Jake change, he became better mental and fisical.
After he got home his brother and his friends never lefht he uncheck. And he got happier and life amazing life got, marry a good girl had kids. This is the story of Jake Paul to me just my litlle brother.
Chloe: hi babe what you doing with Jax and Jake?
L: telling them a bed time story
C: they are asleep so come on
L: i did realized that kk
C: (they walk to they room) what story are you telling?
L: Jake's again
C: whith what end this time?
L:he got marry and had kids
C:good. Are you got Tell them the real version someday?
L: when they are older. I gonna use they as a baby to find a better ending for his story he deseverd better
C: he did my love. He died in a car aciddent its a sad irony
L: It was. He would be so happy that i have twins
C: lets sleep and tomorrow you can make Jake a superhero
L: like that good night love

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