The Interview

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James Cordan: today we have the men himself, actor, singer and Youtuber. One If not the biggest intertainer in world Logan Paul.
LP: whats you guys? (Hugs James) i liked the intro.
JC: well its all truth. You are 27 now is this correct?
LP: yes i getting old bro.
JC: you are living in LA for a while now, lets star there why and when you move here?
LP: i move to LA when i was 19 years old, me and my brother were getting big on a app call Vine It was the right move for us.
JC: where is the brother now?
LP: he died 6 years ago on a bike aciddent.
JC: i sorry about that. Hownold was him If you dont mind me asking?
LP: i dont mind. He was 19, to young he loved ridind fast one day he Lost Control of his bike and It was the end.
JC: i truly Sorry. How was losing you brother at the Young age?
LP: It broke me, we were close as twins. This was are journey, he was happy he got a part in Disney and life was good. Them he died i was lost wanted to give up and go back to Ohio. I was a truth mess.
JC: what keep you here?
LP: Jake did, If i give up everything he would be so desapoitend in me. So i redefiend myself.
JC: what tha means?
LP: I left LA for a while, went traveling the world. It were i start doing vlogs.
JC: How long you travel?
LP: almost 2 years before i come living here again.
JC: wow its a long time. What you did when move back?
LP: I grind everyday. Act clases, vlogs, meetings, rebuild my brand.
JC : and that work really well. You have a YouTube Chanel with 105 millions subscrivers, a Podcast with 97 Million subscrivers, a Grammy for the best álbum and Just got nomined for a Oscar for your last movie and lest not a forget a sucessul cloting brand. You build a impire .
LP: thanks. I did my best and pay off .
JC: in personal life who is going?
LP: i happly married, Chloe Bennet a amazing actress. And i have the twins Jake River and Jax Evan they are 3 years now and Chloe is pregnat with a Rose Skye.
JC: its a biig family congrats. How did the names were choose?
LP: Jake River Its honor my brother names and "River" was supost to me my midlle name. Jax Evan i always loved the name Jax as Chloe did and "Evan" its for my bestfriend in this planet who always had my back. Rose Skye was Chloe choice and i loved.
JC: The Evan you just mencioned its Evan Eckonerd the actor who with you did the series "Best Friends"  with got a Emmy.
LP: yes him. He is the best he was by my side before the fame and stick my me trought all. He really deseverd the carrer he haves.
JC: You really involvel in mental deacease help. You have a big Voice in the communited. Where that came from?
LP: my brother had anxiety, the bad kind of he deal with tha since young. And i dealt with depression after losing my brother. All that combined made me realized who little the Topic is talk abou so i wanted to make a difference in any way i could. So i created the foundacion Jake Joseph Paul to help bring light to the subject.
JC: its really important people like you talking about that and your personal storys.
So are you apart of "JJ Interprises"?
LP: that Company was origend call team 10 , It was my brother dream. After his death his parterns decides to change the name and honor the founder
I help the company for a while and brought people i knew my brother would like to have being there. But as today i now longer apart. "JJ Interprises" is run by Nick Cronptom(fix) , Anthony Trujillo and Erika Costell they share the porcion It was once Jake's.
JC: You brother legacy live on them. Any projects on the make?
LP: i have a movie coming out soon and Just launch  new song.
JC: well thank you for your time today. Best wishes to your wife and kids.
LP: thank you Men

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