End of Story

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Season 3 of vlog..wow who would say that a year ago.

But things are different now, i lost her i losty my goat my light.

I try faking thaat i fine but i not. I not fine in moths, she was keeping saint now i lost again.

Logan is close with me again, he finnaly belive that i forgave him.

I arrage everthing so now i can go in peace.

I pay for trip weekend for Chad and Sarah and also for Tony and Rocky. I and alone in the house made sure everyone was out, i say goodbye to thor and apollo, call my parents and of cpurse recorded a video explain things.

I just put the letter and the video by my bed and now i pick the pills and the water.

I tired now, my eyed are closing this its the end.

" Jake Joseph Paul found dead in his calabasa mansion. The 21 year old comited suicidal"

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