The Good ones always goes first

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Everyone could see that Logan was going out more, traveling more and spending more time with the people close to him. They also can see that something was wrong but they all thought that was stress or his brother getting sick or Kong dieing but they had no clue about the real problem.
It was after the San Francisco trip...
LP: Hey Mike can i ask you something?
MM: sure what?
LP: Can you ask Alissa If we could talk?
MM: Alissa Violet?
LP: the one and only
MM: sure but dont think Jake would get mad
LP: i handle my brother dont worry
MM: okay i talk to her
Later that day...
MM: Logs she say she would talk but in the clout house with Banks
LP: Fine by me when?
MM: Tomorrow afternoon
LP: okay i be there
The next day around 3 PM..
LP:( knocks on door)
FB: Hey Logan i didnt think you were serius
LP: hey man. I was i need to have a word with Alissa
FB: i get that but i going to be there
LP: its Fine by me
FB: good lets Go
LP: hey Liss
AV: hey Logan, its beign a while what you want?
LP: to say i sorry
AV: what?
LP: Just heard me out and them you never have to see me again
AV: okay
LP: you know i fall for you at some point i was Dumb to wait and tell. But i did love you and that the reason i agree to what Just hurth people that i love and that includes you. I sorry that got in midlle of this drama, i Sorry that you got hurt. I would never take back our moments together and i happy that you found someone that loves you all of you that treats you right. Thank you for the memories i Just wish you hapiness for now on
AV: ( crying) why say all this now?
LP: life is shorth
AV: i Sorry too and loved our memories ( they hug) i know we cant be friends but i Glad to not be your enemy
LP: agree Goodbye Liss live happy
After the aments was time to talk with his brother he didnt want any secret between them.
JP: hey bro what you want to talk about
LP: i talk with Alissa today
LP: Sorry i Just need too. But before you freak out we not friends
JP: less bad them. I chossing to ignore this is your life you know what to do
LP: Thank you . And i need to talk about something else
JP: did you screw Erika?
LP: ouch but no its important
JP: okay Sorry
LP: i not fighting Ksi anymore
JP: wait? What? Why?
LP: i dont It anymore plus i want to take Care of my self. But i want you to take the fight make next year and knock him out
JP: you want me to take the fight you are pranking me
LP: i not i already post a video dropping the fight hitting a fight between you and Ksi
JP: oh god
LP: Just say you do It
JP: of course
A few days pass...
?: Logan
LP: hey Erika Thank you for agreeing to see me
EC: no problem i was curious. Did Jake put you up to this?
LP: he cant know i here. Dont worry i know doing as way to get to you i need a favor
EC: what favor?
LP: dont give up on Jake, in like beign his friend, i know he can act like a dick but you make him a better person he needs you in his life
EC: Logan he push me away and i agree to It. Is to late
LP: Just try for me. I wouldnt ask If didnt would make good for both.
EC: okay i try
Logan keep getting this reunions making amends with friends, trip with his roomates. He both cars even for all his roomates and went in a snowboard trip with his brother. And of course made aments with Chloe
It was now June and he was in Ohio with his Mom
LP: Mom i need to talk to and David its important
PS: its everything okay son?
LP: not really
DS: what happen?
LP: rembember i did a brain Scan a few months ago ?
PS: yes
LP: they found a tumor, uoperbable.
DS: How long they give you ?
LP: 10 months to a year
PS:( hugs Logan) not my baby (crying)
LP: its okay Mom i enjoy this 24 years and like the doctor say when i was 12 i supost to have died them but i got 12 more years. My borrow time its up
PS: who knows?
LP: Just you guys that why i need a favor
DS: what favor?
LP: i want to Go my way so i choose my death day and i need to guys to Tell the people i love i gonne
I know is alot to ask but you guys are only people i Trust to do this
PS: dont Logan you can fight this
LP: If i could i would Mom
DS: what exactly we need to do?
LP: i did like i to do list to help you guys. Who to call, How i want to buried and of course the pen drive with my last video
PS: when you telling your brother?
LP: i wont i cant say goodbye to him
PS: he deseverd to know
LP: i cant see him and say goodbye. I telling you mim because you brought me to the world to deseverd to know when i leaving
PS: i shouldnt live more them you or Jake
LP: dont say that. After i gonne you going to travel alot more with David and one hold your grandkids and Tell them storys about their uncle.( Crying)
PS:( crying) Deal
DS: we Will help. When is the date?
LP: July 07
PS: i have one more week with my son
LP: yes mom i need to see some Ohio friends one last time but them i will be with Kong
The week pass and It was July 07. In his last night Pam made Logan his favorite dinner and now Logan was getting up for the last time
LP: good Morning Mom
PS: Good Morning Logie made your favorite breakfast.
LP: Thank you
It was now a little before 7 pm, Logan wanted to go in the same time he was born.
They were in the hospital getting ready, since Logan was doning his organs.
PS: i cant believe its time. I gonna miss Logie. You were my First baby i wanted you for long and had some many plans Sorry that your time was shorth
LP: dont be Mom i lived amazing life. I love and was loved. Had amazing mom, dad, stepdad and brother. Got amazing friends too. I found my soulmate in this planet, i figured out Mom Chloe was the one my soulmate but i not hers i happy for that. Thank you for everything thing. David take Care of her for me
DS: i will dont worry
When 7 pm hits Logan Alexander Paul dies, his Mom Focus on his Lost to have streng to keep going
PS: First thing call Greg them call Jake and his friends and them to come to Ohio
DS: i send the message on Logan phone like he ask you call Greg
PS: okay
Telling Greg his son was dead It was hard but now he need to look in her sons eyes and Tell his brother was dead
JP: hi Mom why Logan ask us to come here?
PS: lets Go to my house we talk there
( With Jake were Mike,Evan,Spencer,Andre,Mark, George, Jonhanas,Franke, Olga, Dani and Brandon)
They got to the house and dont see Logan só they get worry
EE: where is Logan?
DS: guys sit down we Will explain better Logan will
After the sit down David puts a video on.
Logan video...
Hi Guys i know you all are confuse right now but If you are watching this video you made my life special. Jake we are brothers by chance but friends in choose i proud of ALL you done. To the day one squad you guys were by my side way before the money and never left even i screw up. Olga you are my big sister Thank you for the advices. Ev you and me are oposites thats why you my best Friend. Mike you beign thought some shit but always have smile you are so strong i proud of you. Spencer hold on to Angel she is the one dont let her go and thanks for sticking by me when people nromally would leave. Brandon we live some Crazy together Thank you for all memorie. Andre since the moment we met i knew you were special. Dani you were rubbing my back when i was puking my guts out when i had the Flu you are and always were more them a assistan. Frank in the future everyone Will know you. That beign say i wish i had more time, to see you guys reaches you goals get marry have kids but my time its over. I found out a brain tumor he won before the fight. I with Kong as you watch this video. Thank you for followin my journer. Never give up. And of course Be a Maverick. Goodbye...
End of Logan video...
Everyone was crying and lost
JP: Mom Tell me its a prank
PS: i wish i could
After a that the spend a while hugging and crying..
DS: guys Logan left somethings for you guys. First his weal his going to be here tomorrow but for now he choose some gifts special for you guys
DS: For Jake his yeti.... For Spencer he left you this
ST: a ring?
DS: a engaged ring .
After everyone for the gifts...
PS: tomorrow its his funeral he wanted to be cremeade and his Ash to be in his favorite place in Ohio
JP: the florest
PS: exactly and after that he left a video for the Logang
Logan funeral was beautiful i hate when they call funeral beautiful. Its not, special when its a 24 years old that died before his time.
But after that alot change..
His business,the house and the people he loved.
It took time but eventually we move on.
Jake and Erika for back together, Spencer ask Angel in marriage, Mike got a girlfriend. Things were not the same the had a sad tone to It.  And today was a different day.
It was agust 25 of 2020 the day Jake would fight Ksi, speaking about him when Logan died he show respect a d remorse for the death of someone that young.
The fight last 4 rounds and Jake knock out JJ. I will not forget Jake speech ever.
Jake speech...
Logan, Logie my big brother It was your mission to finish but your mission on this planet was over before we wanted. They say someone people are to great for this world and that God takes them sooner because they are truly angels send here to a mission. That was you to good for this world, you made alot of people happy and help some many people. Now the Angel rest besides God. Rest in Peace brother. We are be a Maverick until see you again.
End of Jake speech...
Logan was special,not perfect but human. His hapiness were other people hapiness. If you were loved by him you were lucky. I was he took me as his best Friend, gave me home in La , he never let me give up on myself. He never Care that i was a dwarf he always believe in me.
As i stand here winnig my First Oscar, i know its weird talking about death, but Logan was light he would love to be here he see that i living my dreams. So this is for you LP i never forget you i Just to Hope that you are proud.

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