Chapter 5

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As the sun shines on my face, I slowly wake up and think to myself, "jeez that was the best sleep I have had in a long time". It takes me a minute to realise where I was, and I jolt. Shocked at myself, I look up on Krish sleeping. He has got such a calm, innocent face when he is sleeping, his arm is still around my back and his head on top of mine. 

I subtlety, trying not wake him up, get out of the blanket and head back to my room. Thank-god by the time I get back, only Amy is awake and she is in the bathroom. After a while, as we are getting ready to hit the road again, I am trying to take my mind off last night. I honestly don't even want to think about it. I want it to just be a dream that when I woke up it was finished. 

But the only thing that I am worried about is how to face Krish, obviously he would say something or other in front of the girls. Besides that, just being near him will be so awkward as what ever happened last night was so unplanned and unexpected. 

Thinking about last night, I realise the things we talked about and I am completely taken aback by what we discussed. I can't believe that I let my heart out to him last night. 


"So tell me", Krish asks while pouring half the coffee in a seperate cup. "How come all of you are going to Queensland?"

"Well you know, just a usual holiday, just to get a break from normal everyday life (and a break from my not so active love life)", I say. 

"Yeah that's all fine, but you look like there is something more than just an ordinary holiday",  he replies. 

"So, mind reading is your profession I guess"? I ask sarcastically.

"No, not at all", he laughs. "Some people are just easy to read and predict".

Argh, I hate it how I am so readable. It's as if my face is a mirror reflection of my heart. It becomes so hard to hide things and to lie to people that know you so well. 

"Right. So apparently I am easy to predict for you?" I ask. 

"Well not exactly", he replies. "I can't tell what's exactly on your mind because I don't know you as well as your friends do. But I can definitely tell that you are trying to put on a happy face at the moment, just for your friends, so that they don't think that you are not enjoying yourself.". 

I don't believe this. How can someone who I just met yesterday understand me so well. Especially, when I haven't even said anything to him yet. Nothing about my broken heart or anything else. 

"Well you can't just assume that. I am genuinely happy to be on this trip", I say half lying. 

A few moments pass by and Krish is still trying to guess my problem. 

"Are you sleepy?" he asks.

"No, not really", I say.

"Well I have a good idea to kill time. Let's play truth or dare", he suggests. 

Seeing that I have nothing better to do at the moment and that this game isn't going to go very far I decide to say, "Yes, sure let's play".

"Truth or Dare?" he asks.

"Truth", I say.

"Okay then, tell me truthfully, why do you look so downhearted?" he asks. 

Oh no. Really, this question. Is he asking for me to go in an emotional breakdown in front of him? Knowing that I can't lie, I decide to tell him the truth.

"Well, I just broke up with someone", I reply.

" Why, what happened?" he asks. 

"Not so fast", I answer him. "Only one question at a time. Truth or Dare?" I ask.

"Truth", he says.

I went absolutely blank. I had no clue what to ask so I randomly say anything.

"Why are you heading up to Queensland?"

For a minute, Krish stares at me blankly. "Really?" he asks. "Is that the best question that you could have asked me?" he smirks. 

"Do you want to play or not?" I snap.

"OK, OK, no need to get mad. I am just going up there to meet my mum and brother. I am from Queensland originally. I am just in Melbourne because I found a good job down there". he replies.

"Ooo that's nice. So if your mum and brother are up in Queensland, you and your dad must be down in Melbourne", I say. 

"No", he snaps. "My dad is dead".

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, I didn't mean-", I try to explain.

"Nah, don't worry about it. Anyway, enough about me, so what happened between you and your boyfriend?" he asks.

Well where on earth do I start, I think to myself. 

"So long story short, we were best friends for a long time which then turned into a relationship for almost three years, until I started noticing something strange about his behaviour", I start. "I noticed that he was becoming more and more distant from me as days went by. He started ignoring me and making excuses not to spend time with me". 

"As his best friend before his girlfriend, I started to worry about him. I used to think to myself, what if he was in some sort of problem that he didn't want me to worry about or he was facing something in life that he wasn't telling me. Day-by-day my curiosity grew until one day, after worrying so much I finally decided to ask him what was wrong".

"I decided to surprise him and make his mood a little lighter, so as I had the key to his apartment, I went inside and hid behind the couch, hoping that once he walked in I would yell out SURPRISE and rush to hug him. But what I saw next left me disgusted".

"As he walked in, a girl came behind him and hugged him. He tossed his jacket on the floor beside him and she tossed her jumper. I knew what was coming next and I didn't want to stick around to watch it. So I got up, slapped him across the face, threw the necklace that he gave me back at him and walked straight out the door without even giving him the chance to explain. Mind you, I don't even know what type of false explanation I was going to get".

"So that's that I guess. And now I am here, more like all the girls kinda dragged me along so I can just take my mind off things", I finish off.

"WHAT A COMPLETE ASSHOLE!", Krish shouts. "Did he not even text you back to apologise?" he asks.

"Oh no, he did text back, but not to apologise. Instead he gave me all the reasons why that girl was better than me", I reply.

"LIKE WHAT?" he snaps. "What on earth could he have said negative about you?"

"Well he said that I wasn't worth his time, we were not working out anymore and he needed some more excitement in his life and I was too boring for that", I say.

"And it took that dick three years to realise that? What a shit head?" he shouts. 

I just shrug. It felt that all my wounds got opened again and now there was no stopping my tears from streaming down my face. 

"Truth or Dare?" Krish asks.

"Huh?" I reply forgetting that we were playing a game. "Ah well, I think I have done a lot of truths, I'll go with dare", I say. 

"Great!" he says. "Now do you have your ex's number?" he asks.

"Yes, why?" I ask, worried at what was about to come to me. 

Krish just smirks. I know that smirk and whenever that happens, there is always a twist in the situation. Oh god, what is he up to now, I think to myself. 

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