XIII - Ingénue

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XIII - Ingénue

\ˈan-jə-ˌnü, ˈän-; ˈaⁿ-zhə-, ˈäⁿ-\
a girl or a young woman who is endearingly innocent and wholesome; a naive girl


Her eyes watered. Her heart constricted inside her chest. Noah saw the tears and he immediately panicked.

"Hey hey. What's wrong? Was it something I said?" Maybe she didn't like him being too straight forward. What did he do? He clearly screw his chance. "Jessica? Love?" He repeated when she didn't say anything.

"N-no." She wiped a lone tear that stubbornly fell despite her will not to. "No one has ever told me that before." She admitted. It was because she was always the outcast. No one was nice to her except Via and her brother and hearing someone say nice things to her, she can't help but feel emotional.

His heart reached out to her. What exactly did she suffer from? Someone as pure and innocent as her deserved all the love in the world. It was him who didn't. He clasped both of his hands on hers. He wanted to wipe that pain in her eyes. A pain like that, she must've longed for someone to stay and not abandon her. He felt crushed. Who would even do that to her? So he swore.

"Hey. I'm not saying this just because I feel like it. I'm saying this because I really want to be with you." He looked at her straight in her eyes. Sincerity dripping from his voice. "I will never hurt you love. I will never leave you because this is not a temporary thing, I want you in my life, forever. I will stay with you even if you don't want me to." He slightly laughed. "I promise you that. You got me?"

There he goes with him being straight forward again. But Jess liked that, he doesn't beat around the bush. He says the first thing that comes to his mind. He's honest.

Her heart soared. He's real. He's here. He said he wouldn't leave her. "Okay." She whispered softly. She believed him. It scared her how easily she believes in him. But deep within her, she knew he wouldn't ever lie to her.

Minutes turned to hours. Hours turned to days. She was positive she was falling in love with him, if she wasn't already. She believed every word he said, was she naive? Too innocent? The thing is, she knew he wouldn't hurt her. The short time that they've been together, she knew Noah wasn't just any other guy. She wanted him too. He's the most handsome guy she's ever seen. He's kind, he knows how to make her laugh, he listens to everything she said that he knows the little details about her. Her plan for Noah's birthday was almost done, thanks to Neo and Via for helping her. Everything was finally okay in her life. She has friends, plural now, and she might have a future with Noah. But her happiness was short lived.

It was Wednesday morning, 3 days to go until Noah's birthday and for her to reveal her little surprise for him. She was thinking about him again, during breaks or even in class all she ever think about was Noah. Yes, she was smitten. She sighed dreamily. Her dreamy thoughts were cut by Via shaking her shoulder.

"What?" She asked her friend who was wearing a shocked expression. "Are you okay?"

"You wouldn't believe who's here." She took the seat in front of Jess and held her hands.

"Why are you acting like this?" She was confused.

"Jess, sweet little Jess." Via said, sympathy written on her face.

"Can you just tell me what you came to tell me?" Her friend was acting unusual. She should be worried.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'm just worried for you." Why would she be worried. "Okay. He's here." With the way Via's demeanor changed from pity to rage Jess knew she wasn't talking about Noah.

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