XXVIII - Latibule

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XXVIII - Latibule


a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort; where a soul can cocoon themselves and find comfort and solace; necessity if one is to keep their sanity intact and their heart strong


She knelt down and grasped his face in her hands. "Noah. Stand up please." He did, only because she told him to. She never stopped touching his face even when they were both standing.

"That night. When I said I wouldn't take you back, I was serious Noah." She declared, making his world crumble down than it already is. "We've been impulsive, both of us. Maybe we shouldn't fall inlove that fast. We fell inlove so fast. Too fast. We sh---"

"I don't fucking care!" Why does it matter to her if they fall inlove that fast? Them being together is inevitable with how they feel for each other, he doesn't see the sense in prolonging everything. "You are it for me! We fell inlove in a blink of an eye, so what? Love isn't about the pace it's about staying. I may realize I love you later but then I'll leave you after a month or I may fell inlove with you the moment I saw you and be with you forever. I didn't love you in a haste. When I saw you I knew it was you for me." With each heavy and brave caress he took in her face her heart shatters. She can't unlove him. She can't. He grasped her face, cupping it, wiping the tears away. "Look at me." She didn't. But he lifted her chin and staring there right in his eyes, she can see his pain, his love, his guilt. There were too many emotions there, she didn't know how a broken man like him still stood there infront of a mere girl who broke him. "Look at me and tell me, do I look like I give a shit about falling inlove too fast? I don't. I know what I've gotten myself into the moment I gladly gave away my heart to you." He kissed her with a gentleness so chaste it broke both of their hearts. Resting his forehead on hers, his tears falling as this might be the last time she will hear him out. "I love you so much, you're only mine. Mine to love, mine to kiss, mine to laugh with. All mine." He paused, his tears making it harder for him to speak and with a broken voice, he pleaded. "Baby please come back to me." He would beg for her love, her forgiveness, he didn't care. All he wanted was her. Her in his arms again. All of her.

She didn't have the strength to speak anymore. Why is it that when he speaks her whole world suddenly makes sense? With everything in her, she managed to say. "I need time. At least give me that." She thought one month would be okay to heal everything but she was so wrong.

He felt her hand withdraw. Why does she need time? Noah had always been an impatient man. What he wants he always gets. If he doesn't get it by will, he'll get it by force. But her, she's different. He would do anything for her, even if them being apart slowly kills him inside. He needed to be sure though, so he asked like a fool. "If I gave you that, would you come back to me?"

Jess looked down, not being able to look into his eyes. "I don't know." She didn't know. She told him she was serious about that night, about not taking him back.

He nodded, not knowing what to do anymore. She was serious that night. He kept on repeating in his head. He wanted to stop her, he wanted to just hold her until all of his worries are gone but that night he let her go, only because he has to.

"B-but I need you." He told her, his voice held desperate pleas. "I love you. I did what I did because I need to protect you."

"You don't protect people by leaving them Noah!" She burst out. Her eyes filled with tears. She was hurt and she felt betrayed. Why didn't he told her about his problems? About him? She could've listened. "You were hurting me and you were aware of that but you still did it. Please just go home I don't want to deal with this now. I don't want to see you." She turned her back on him, wanting to just go inside and fall asleep but she stopped in her tracks when she heard him say.

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