XX - Dysania

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XX - Dysania

the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.


"H-how did you get this?" She assumed he was one of the random strangers who found her letter but she needed to be sure. Still, it amazed her how small the world is.

"I saw it being held together by this compass. Coincidentally, the one who held it was the letter N. My name. I got intrigued for no reason like someone was pushing me to get it. So I did. I read the letter. I was having a hard time that day and honestly I'd thought of killing myself but when I read it I imagined someone pure. Someone who wanted people to keep on fighting. I realized that there's still some kindness and innocence left in this world. I've never read something so beautiful. And from that day, I just knew I had to find whoever wrote it."

He was staring at her the whole time he said it. His eyes never straying away from her.

"Did you find her?" She tried to act as if she wasn't the one wrote it just to know if he knows it's her.

"No." No? "She found me. Her letter found me and I couldn't be anymore grateful for that." He smiled while holding her cheeks. He leaned in and kissed her softly. "Thank you for saving me baby." He whispered gently.

She might've cried. "H-how did you know it was me who wrote it?"

"You took me to that same café we always went to and when we went there the first time I just got a feeling that the person who wrote it was you. I remembered the waiter telling me that the one who wrote it wore glasses, and I'm sorry I broke it just now I promise I'll buy you one." He said sheepishly but then continued when she was listening intently. "I know there could be many people who goes in and out of that café that wears glasses but I just had a feeling it was you. And you proved me right when you wrote down a letter that night. Same hand writing. Same thoughts. When I asked you what's it for, you said it was to cheer people up and I swear on my damned life I've never respected someone that great. I've never worshipped a woman not until you. I could be the ground you walk on and I'd be so goddamn honored of being stepped on by you. I just knew you were the one for me. I just knew I already love you." She was crying at this point and she didn't care if it made her weak. He was her weakness as much as her strength.

"How do you do that?" She asked sniffling.

Confused, he asked back. "Do what?"

"Making me fall inlove with you all over again." She guessed she looked dumb. Crying but smiling.

He laughed. That same rare laugh she always wanted to hear. "Do I always do that?"

"Yes." He needs to stop though, as cheesy as it is her heart can't take anymore love. It was already full and he needs to stop or else all love that would be left in her heart won't be for herself anymore but for him and eventhough she might be naive she knows it's wrong. Not leaving a small space in your heart to love yourself is wrong. She knew it would ruin her if he decided to leave her.

"Good. Because I'm not planning on making you fall out of love."

That day, when Jess wasn't in her hospital room she was in the garden. Noah asked her many times if she was sure she didn't want it. The guy was still persistent. He still wanted to buy the whole hospital for her. Which made her think, how rich is he exactly?

 Which made her think, how rich is he exactly?

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