XXX - Gezelligheid

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XXX - Gezelligheid

([ɣɘ.'zɛl. ɪɣ.hɛɪt])
(dutch) the coziness, warmth and comfort of being at home or being with loved ones sharing time in a pleasant atmosphere


"Hey, it's going to be okay. Trust me." He was pacing back and forth on Jess's porch, letting her know just how nervous he was. She already called her parents, telling them they're going to have a guest. She told them, it was her boyfriend and her father almost destroyed her eardrums telling her she's still so young but her mother was ecstatic telling her she couldn't wait to meet her boyfriend.

They travelled for 4 hours from Toronto to Ottawa. They arrived at her parent's place by 5, Noah had been fidgeting and even last night she could feel him being nervous. She told him countless of times that he shouldn't be nervous at all but he only told her, "They're my future parents. I want to do this right."

And maybe Noah's idea of doing it right involves a large sack of presents. He could pretend to be Santa or even Jack Frost and she'd believe him.

"I heard your father on the phone, it seemed like he doesn't like me." She wanted to laugh. He looked so nervous, it was her first time seeing him like that. Where did her confident Noah go?

"That's just Dad at first. If he knows just how good of a man you are, I promise you you'll be buddies. Let's go?" She smiled up at him, easing his nerves. He smiled back.

They rung the doorbell and she saw him stiffen like a statue, waiting for her parents to open the door. She held his hands and squeezed it. Letting him know she's here. They waited and within seconds, the door opened.

"Hana!" Big smiles welcomed them.

"Mom, Da--" She wasn't given the chance to finish her sentence. She was pulled hard, her Mom and Dad embracing her.

"My big big girl. We missed you." Her Dad told her. She wanted to cry, it's been a year since they last saw each other.

"I missed you too." She pulled them close, she's home.

"Who is he?" Her Dad's question made her pull away from the hug. Quickly, she walked towards Noah and held his hand standing right beside him.

"Mom, Dad. Meet my boyfriend, Noah Arkwright. Noah meet my Mom, Faith, and my Dad Jim." Her eyes were shining brightly and her smile was contagious.

"Good evening, Sir, Ma'am." He greeted politely.

"Hana, are you sure he's your boyfriend and not some model you picked up on the streets? Goodness dear, you're so handsome!" Her mother gushed. "And why aren't you inside the house? Come in come in!"

"We've got presents! Noah brought it all for you." She bragged.

"Oh wow. Thank you. That's so kind of you." Noah was relieved to see her mother smile at him.

"It's my pleasure."

"Here, let me take care of that." Her mother went on to put the presents by the Christmas tree. "Hana take him to rest, I'm sure you're both tired."

He was about to offer to help her mother but her father beat him to it. He took a brave glance and saw him staring at him with this look of suspicion in his eyes.

"Noah come on." She dragged him towards the living room. He chuckled at how excited she looked.

"Where are my brothers?" She asked when they were sitted inside the living room. She took off her coat and scarf, Noah did the same.

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