Chapter 3

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I wake up and look around my room. What woke me up? Oh yeah. I'm hungryyyy! I sit up, epically stretch, and stand up, walking towards the kitchen. Opening the door, I see the best thing ever. The table is covered in Nandos bags. I see Liam, Harry, Louis, and Zayn all gathered around it, looking at me.

"Why did you guys buy all this? Not that I'm complaining." I say, sitting down and begin eating.

"Erm, well, now you have 4 vampires to feed instead of just one, so you gotta keep up your strength!" Zayn says, clearly feeling awkward. I nod.

"Ok. So what do you guys wanna do today......" I ask looking up. I am met with four pairs of darkening eyes. Ohhhh.

"After you all feed...." I add.

"Let's watch Toy Story!" Liam yells. The others all groan in unison. Liam pouts. Awwww. By this time, I'm finished eating and it's time to feed the boys. I lead them to the living room, where I stand in front of the boys.

"So, who's first?" I say, looking at them.

"Well, we kinda decided last night that one of us are going to be on each side of your neck, and the other two will go after." Liam says, taking charge.

"Is that safe? I won't....die...will I?" I ask, clearly scared.

"No! No! It's safe! If you start to feel dizzy, we'll stop!" Louis speaks up this time.

"Ok, who's going first?" I ask, getting nervious.

The boys look at each other and Liam and Louis step forward. Oh yeah, they didn't feed last night. As Louis goes to my left, Liam goes to my right. I look up, and put one arm around each boys shoulder's, my hand tangling in their hair. I feel both boys kiss my neck gently before biting. I moan, and shut my eyes. Two vampires feeding on you at once feel soooo much better than just one. We gotta do this more often! I start to feel a bit dizzy and they both pull away, simultaneously. Thats weird. After they lick up the stray blood on my neck, I collapse, feeling drained.

"Ohmygod! Niall! Are you ok?!" Harry yells, rushing to me and putting me on the couch. I can't speak, and the only thing I can manage is a nod of my head.

"SORRRRRRRRRY!" Louis screams, laying next to me and pouting slightly. I chuckle.

"It ok Lou. Next time, we are going to do that sitting down." I say, and Louis stands up again.

"Uh, I can feed one more.....I just gotta do it sitting down...." I say, looking at Zayn. He looks at Harry for confirmation and he lays on top of me. He leans forward and slowly bites. I throw my head back and open my mouth is a silent moan. Mmmmmm. He pulls away too quickly and I whine at the loss of contact. I hear dark chuckles from all the boys. I pass out. This crap is exhausting.

When I wake up, I'm in my own room and my phone says its midnight. Wow, I've been asleep for a while. Hmmm. But I'm still what woke me up this time? Looking up, I see a dark silhouette. One of the boys is probably thirsty..... As he gets closer, I can see a mess of chocolate curls. Harry. He lays down next to me and crashes his lips onto mine. I just lay there, not kissing back, not moving, not even breathing, until Harry nudges his lips against mine again and i snap out of it, kissing him back. He slips his tongue in my mouth and we fight for dominance. A fight that he obviously wins. He rolls so he's laying on top of me and starts to grind against me. I moan as he leans down to whisper in my ear.

"I never got to feed earlier...may I?" he says, breathless. I manage a nod and he feeds without hesitation. I moan so loud, I'm positive the others heard it. As If to prove my point, the others burst through the door, and they look like they're ready to kick some ass.

"Harold Edward Styles! What in the name of all that is holy are you doing to poor Niall?!" Louis shrieks.

Harry pulls away, his face covered in blood. My.blood. Realization hits Zayn and he slaps Harry.

"HE IS EXHAUSTED! ARGHHHH!" He yells in Harry's face. Wow.

"I just got a call from Paul...we have to go meet him." Louis says, eyeing Harry.

"Who's Paul?" I say sleepily.

"He is the leader of a vampire gang, kind of like the leader of all vampires. We wants to see us." Zayn explains. AHHHH. I wanna sleep. But this is going to be more interesting.

"Can I coooooommmmeeeee?" I say, dragging out the 'o' in come. They look at each other and nod. Yay!

"We have to meet him at a vampire bar type thing.." Harry states. Vampire bar..? Hmmm.

-At Vamp Bar-

As soon as we walk through the door, all vampire eyes are on me. Oh.shit. The boys respond by forming a protective circle around me.

"I knew this was a bad idea." Harry grumbles.

We walk over to a large man in the corner of the bar.

"Hmmmm, you even brought me a snack.." 'Paul' says, looking at me.

"No, uh, he actually" Zayn says uncertain.

"Whatever. So, one of my boys told me that you threatened him. Is this true Styles?" Paul says, glaring at the Cheshire boy.

"Uh. No sir." Harry says, looking at his shoes.

"You lying Styles? Cause if you are, my boys can kill your pet faster than you can say 'Oops'." Paul says, glaring At Harry.

"I'm not lying Paul, now please keep Niall out of this." Harry says looking at me.

"Oh really, or what? Huh, what will you do to me if I do this?" paul says as he shoots forward, grabs me and bites my neck, making me feel instantly drained.

"Fuuuuck!" Zayn yells.

As Liam moves forward to grab Paul and throw him to Africa, Louis stops him.

"Stop! Liam! If you pull him away, Niall dies." Louis says slowly. What?! I can die?!?!??!

Paul pulls away, moaning.

"Mmmmm, he's Irish. This is a keeper, he tastes so goooood." the large man says, walking away.

"We said keep Niall out of this!" Liam shrieks.

"Whatever. Just leave my men alone. Or Niall over there gets it worse." Paul states before glaring at me.

We left that freak show faster than you could say 'Run!'

~Back at Home~

"Niall. Paul marked you as his. When a vampire bites a human, that human is marked as the vampire'" Liam says.

"EW!!! How do you fix it?!" I scream, wiping my neck. I feel discussed. EW EW EW! I am not Paul's pet!!! I belong to the boys....right?

"Um, well, it's complicated......."

(A/N: Oh snap! How do you fix it?! Oh my godddddd! I'm so excited for this next chapter! AHH! Keep commenting, reading, and voting!


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