Chapter Thirteen

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     Silent tears run down my face and a strangled sob comes out of my mouth as I stare at the horrifying scene in front of me. Jake and Mia are sitting on a bench, kissing. They break apart and whip their heads in my direction. Mia sneers when she sees me.

     "Look who we have here. A little girl sniveling and crying as she realizes the truth. Isn't that right babe?" Mia says and looks at Jake. 

     His face is cold as ice and his voice cuts like daggers as he says, "I never loved you Shadow. You were just someone to raise my status, a toy." His laugh is hard and cold. They walk away, Mia giggling and Jake laughing.

     I sit on the ground by the wall and bury my face in my arms, warm silent tears falling onto the ground. Why me?

*~* Flashback*~*

     The school hallways are full of students pushing and shoving as they claim lockers and greet friends they haven't seen all summer. As I stand on tip-toes, straining to see over the head of my fellow freshman, I spy my best friend Lana standing by a set of lockers, glaring at anyone who tries to take one. I weave my way through the crush and tackle her in a hug. She grins and hugs me back. 

     "How was your summer?" She questions happily.

     "Oh, Dubai was amazing." I gush. 

     "You're so lucky! I wish I could come with you," she says enviously. I laugh and shrug.

     "That's the benefit of having a father that's a dragon rider and the head of the largest company in the country," I giggle.

     I suddenly stumble forwards as a bleached blonde tan sophomore knocks into me. She looks at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry!" She says. 

     "It's fine," I say. "It's pretty crowded in here," I gesture at the hallway. 

     She nods, while looking me up and down. Suddenly her eyes widen with recognition. "Your the daughter of Griffin Torres!" 

     I flush and mutter, "Yup. That's me."

     She squeals and says, "I'm Mia. Mia Cuneo."

     Lana frowns and says, "Wasn't your dad the fifth most powerful wizard?"

     Mia looks at Lana as if she's a piece of gum on her shoes. "Nobody asked for your opinion loser." She then looks at me with a large smile gracing her perfect face. "So, do you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch today?" 

     I look at her with utter disgust at how she flipped the switch that easily. "No thanks. I think I'll pass." 

     Mia looks at me with shock and confusion. I can't imagine anyone has ever turned her down before. "You know I'm the most popular girl in this school, right?" She trys again. 

     "And?" I ask. Disgust ripples over her face and she growls at me, stalking off. 

     "Nice!" Lana says, high-fiving me. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I whirl around, ready with a comeback for Mia and stop dead in my tracks. 

     A hot, 5'8 sophomore stands there, grinning at me and I flush pink. He's wearing a football jersey and his ice blue eyes seem to look into my soul. "I like the way you stood up to Mia. Nobody's every had the guts to before so you have my thanks. She was becoming insufferable."

     "No problem," I squeak.

     "My name's Jake," he introduces himself. 


Hello everyone!

I hope that your enjoying the book so far! If anyone wants to make a book cover for me I wouldn't mind~

Feel free, good or bad, to tell what you think about Jake's betrayal. How should Shadow respond? 

If you like, please hit that little star! It'll help me out a lot! 

Thank you guys!

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