Chapter 4

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Adam reaches an abandoned village. It looks like it was under a Grimm attack. Adam then enters one of the houses.

Adam in thought: Where is the First Aid Kit?

Adam goes around the house and finds a First Aid Kit and patches up his injuries.

Adam in thought: Alright, I need to get back to the White Fang... wait, I'm near Atlas, I can save those other faunuses.

Adam then hears some screams and beatings outside. He looks through the window and sees three humans beating a girl faunus. Adam then looks for a hammer. Adam then finds a hammer and goes to the place with the three humans and the girl faunus. The 3 humans then knock out the faunus.

"Alright, let's kill this disgusting animal whilst she's down." says one of the humans. As they were about to kill the girl.

"Hey! Leave her." says Adam and the humans look at him.

"Another faunus." says one of the other humans

"But look, he has the Schnee branding. You know what that means."

"We're gonna get stupid rich." the humans walk towards Adam.

Back to Blake

Blake walks out of the shop with a bag that has the materials for her weapon. The guy with the brown jacket is following her. Blake looks back and she feels disturbed from the guy following her. Blake sees a dark alley and goes there. The guy follows her. After taking a turn, Blake has the guy on a choke hold.

"Listen up, stop following me." says Blake and the guy elbows her in the stomach and gets out of the choke hold, she also dropped the bag carrying her buyings. Blake recovers from the attack. Blake then takes off the guy's hood and its the guy that attacked her.

Blake in thought: Oh my Oum, its him.

Blake is in shock. The guy throws a few attacks at Blake. Blake is blocking and dodging them. The guy then does a side kick at Blake and sends her to a wall. The guy then throws a powerful punch, Blake does dodge, lucky for her because that punch was so powerful that it went through a wall. Blake did a few pressure points attacks on the guy, but the guy is able to resist those attacks. Once the guy got his hand out of the wall, he hits Blake in the face, causing a big bruise at Blake's cheek, and the bruise is also bleeding hard. Blake then falls down next to a door.

Blake in thought: I need to escape.

Blake then goes though the door and falls down a bunch of steps. A hand appears and picks up the bag that Blake dropped.

Blake is now at an abandoned subway station. She is trying to run away as the guy is chasing her like a psychotic killer. He then catches up to Blake and grabs her by the hair. As he pulls it back, Blake screams in terror. The guy then gets out a knife and is about to kill Blake, and Blake sees her life flash before her eyes, she never thought she would die like this. They then hear a step. The guy kets go of Blake and she falls down. The guy then gets his pistol and shoots at the shadowy figure. The Shadowy figure seemingly countered it.

Blake: What the? That was fast, I couldn't see his movement.

Back to Adam

Adam killed those guys and brought the girl inside the house that he was in. The girl wakes up. She then jumps scared.

"Calm down, we're both Faunuses."

"Sorry, didn't notice the horns." says the girl.

"Its alright."

"You're hurt." there is a cut on Adam's chest.

"I'm fine, its nothing."

"No, that's not fine, you're hurt." the girl then goes to patch it up. Adam does let her.

"Thanks." says Adam when the girl finished.

"Its alright. Why are you here?"

"I just want to save some friends."

"From the Schnee?" Adam nods "I see."

"Hey, go to Menagerie, its very peaceful and its all Faunus."

"Really? Where is it?" Adam gets a map to show her the way "I see."

"Let me help you get there."

Back to Blake

"Hi there. I'm Riley LockHeart, remember that name." says the shadowy figure known as Riley. The guy gets out two pistols, and Riley gets his two swords. The guy then rapidly fires at Riley. Riley either avoids the shots, blocks the bullets or cuts them with his swords, as he charges towards the guy. Once Riley got in range his swings his swords down wards at the guy. The guy avoids them and continues shooting, as Riley rapidly blocks them. Riley is now moving so fast that, in Blake's perspective, he leave after images of his movements. Riley at one point then does a wave of fire at the guy, and he did it in a position the guy couldn't predict. The guy, at the last nano second, was able to dodge it then fires some more, but this time with his machine gun. At blazing speeds, Riley blocked all of them, then one of his swords turned into a machine gun and fired at the guy. The guy then kicks the ground and a few rocks fly up, some of them blocking the bullets for him, and he cuts the others with a sword of his own. As the guy charges at Riley, blocking the bullets in the process, Blake jump kicks the guy and Riley stopped firing.

"Let me help you, Riley." says Blake and Riley passes the sword.

"What's your name?"

"Blake Belladonna." the guy gets up and they are all ready to fight.  Blake charges in and Riley fires at the guy to distract him. The guy blocks the bullets and counters an attack from Blake. Blake then does a forward slash and a rapid combo. Blake then uses shadow clone to avoid one of the guy's attacks. Riley then appears and, along side Blake, does a combo of his own. They both overwhelm the guy, but he does a quick punch at Riley then overwhelms Blake with a combo of his own. Blake tries to escape with shadow clone, but the guy always catches up to her. Riley appears and traps the guy in a circle of fire.

"We have to go Blake, he's too much for the both of us." says Riley and they both run away.

To Atlas

Blake and Riley reach the airship with the everyone.

"Guys! We were attacked!" says Blake.

"Who is he?" Ruby asks.

"Its okay, he helped me."

"Alright." says Yang.

"Yang, Ruby and Blake! Come to the control room! The general wants to show you all something." says a soldier and Yang, Ruby and Blake do so.

To the control room

"Oh hey you three. I want to give you all a mission." says Ironwood.

"What is it?" Yang asks.

"Here." Ironwood shows a few video clips of 5 people in a opera of a sorts, and they are all shown to be like the guy.

"Wait, you mean..." says Blake.

"Yeah. We want you guys to find him." says Ironwood.

"Why can't you send your own men?" Ruby asks.

"Honestly, we don't have any soldier that is on their level, you guys are like the only ones who would last the longest against them, plus we don't have a spy class, and you all have someone who was a spy." says Ironwood.

"We can do it." says Ruby.

"Okay, I'll teach you both." says Blake.

"But Yang, I need a favor from you." says Ironwood.

"What is it?"

"I'm going to a meeting and I may need you to be my secretary."

"Alright, I can do that."

The end

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