Chapter 10

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Yang is running around looking for Ruby and Blake, but can't find either of them. She got back with Weiss.

"Weiss, I can't find them." says Yang.

"Me neither." Weiss responds. Ironwood sees them.

"Miss Schnee and Miss Xiao Long." says Ironwood "Miss Rose and Miss Belladonna aren't here."

"What?!" Yang is in surprised. Yang then gets a call from her scroll. She answers "Hello?"

"Miss. Xiao Long?" the caller asks.

"Yes? Who are you?" Yang asks.

"One of those soldiers that attacked you." the caller responds.

"Where is Ruby and Blake?!" Yang yells to the caller.

"We will give them to you on one condition. If you don't leave Atlas now, your friends will be killed. If you try to rescue them, they will be killed. If you try to do anything else other than leave, they will die." the caller then turns off the call.

"We're gonna have to save them." says Yang.

"Are you sure?!" Weiss asks.

"Yeah." Yang responds.

"You heard what he said, they will die if we try!"

"We have to though and they won't, we have to rely in hope."

"Darn it Yang, you are so difficult." Yang and Weiss go to get ready to save Blake and Ruby.

*short training montage of Yang training Weiss, remembering the stuff she was taught by Blake*

Time skip to some warehouse

Ironwood, Qrow and Winter are in a field outside the warehouse. Weiss and yang are in position to enter.

Winter though comms: Remember, go get your friends and come back quickly.

Yang through comm: Understood.

Qrow, Ironwood and Winter are now in full view to the warehouse.

"Let me go first." says Qrow and goes ahead "Hey tin heads! Bring back my niece!Or I will crush you!" Qrow gets out his sword, turning into his scythe. Ironwood and Winter joins, Ironwood aims his about to get his gun and Winter has her swords. The alarms are off and a lot of soldiers are in position, having sniper rifles, machine guns and pistols on hand, they then fire at all 3 of them. Qrow and Winter block casually with their weapons, sometimes dodging the bullets, and Ironwood just fires at the bullets. Several soldiers then gets out of the barracks to attack. Qrow and Winter retaliate by charging in as well. Winter then speeds up with her glyphs, however, whilst she was able to land some hits at the soldiers, some either dodged the attacks or Winter missed. When Winter tries to do it again, she got run over by a car. The soldier driving the car got out, then smashes Winter with it. When he was about to do it again, the car is now in pieces, it was by Qrow. Winter then kicks the soldier "Come on Ice Queen."

To Yang and Weiss

Yang and Weiss are sneaking quietly as the alarms go of and some soldiers leaving the warehouse to join the battle outside.

"This place is like a maze." says Yang.

"I know. It must be difficult to find Ruby and Blake in this place." Weiss responds. They notice a mini wall placed computer "Let's try there." Weiss suggests. They check the mini wall placed computer and its an entire map and has security camera feature.

"Let's see where are Blake and Ruby." says Yang as Weiss goes through all the footage.

To Blake and Ruby

Blake and Ruby are hand cuffed to two chairs respectively, with two soldiers to watch them.

Blake in thought: Maybe if I dislocate my thumb, I can break free from these handcuffs.

Blake tries to quietly dislocate her thumb, however, she is having a bit of trouble doing so. She can't break free, it would take someone like Yang or Nora to break free casually. The main door on Blake and Ruby's left opens up. Soldier appears with several soldiers running in the background.

"What is it?" one of the soldiers watching Blake and Ruby asks.

"There is a battle going on outside!" the soldier on the door responds "Stay here!" Blake now feels like it's the right time to strike.

Blake in thought: Great, they came.

Blake now quietly, as best she could, dislocated her thumb and breaks free from the chains.

"Hey!" Blake calls to the soldiers and she puts her thumb back in place "you need to make better work of your handcuffs." Blake shows her free hands.

"How the..." the soldiers pulls out their hand guns. They shoot at Blake. Blake jumps behind the chair to take cover at the first few shots, but then kicks the chair at one of the soldier. The soldier punches it out of the way, however could barely block Blake's knee strike. Blake then does a jab, but the other soldier grabs her arm and throws her against the wall. Blake does break free by elbowing the soldier in the face, then swings the handcuffs at his face, breaking most of his mask.
"Yes Blake! You can do it!" Ruby cheers for Blake. Blake then does a kick to the soldier about to attack her, however the soldier grabs her legs and throws her across the room, then both proceed to beat the crap out of Blake, throwing deadly punches and elbow strikes. Blake tries to block, but is mostly failing. When it looked like one of the soldiers was going to throw another punch, the door opened then one soldier got knocked out and the other was frozen in place. It was by Yang and Weiss.

"Yang!" Blake goes to hug Yang, happy to see her friend is alright "Weiss!" Blake then hugs Weiss, the moment she noticed her "Are you okay?"

"Yes. I was so worried for all of you." Weiss responds as Yang casually breaks Ruby free.

"Weiss!" Ruby runs to Weiss then hugs her. Yang then hugs Ruby as well, but then holds Ruby's hand.

"We have to go." says Yang, Weiss nods in response and so does Blake. They then run back to the main entrance. However as they do Yang notices a few soldiers about to tail them "They found out! Move move move!" The soldiers shoot at them but Weiss has a Glyth Shield up to protect them "General! General!" Yang calls out through comms.

To Ironwood, Qrow and Winter

Qrow is blocking mini gun fire. When the soldier ran out of bullets, he just threw it at Qrow. Qrow blocked but then the soldier does a drop kick at him. Winter jumps off a bunch of rockets shot at her, then kicks one of them back to the soldiers that are shooting at her. The soldiers jumped out of the way. Ironwood is having the most trouble, since he might as well be fighting an army that is as skilled as him, like the soldiers seem to know exactly what he is going to do next.

Yang through comms: We got Ruby and Blake. They found out about the plan faster than we thought they would! Get ready!

Ironwood through comms as he fights: Don't worry! The vehicle will be ready before you arrive!

Yang through comms: Please do!

"Winter! Qrow! Cover me!" Ironwood runs to some place in the fields. A lot of the soldiers notice so they fire at Ironwood. Winter summons an entire army of Grimm to block the bullets. After awhile, Ironwood is out of view then a military hummer appears that Ironwood is driving. Yang, Blake, Ruby and Weiss appear. Winter uses the army of Grimm to cover for them as they all get in the hummer. The soldiers don't give, firing some more at the hummer even sending vehicles, retaliating with Winter firing the top mounted heavy mini gun on top of the car and Weiss with some dust powers to protect them all. After awhile, the soldiers lost all the vehicles and hummer was now out of sight.

RWBY then looks back and are happy. Yang then hugs Ruby.

"I was so scared for all of you." says Yang. Ruby hugs back.

"Me too." Ruby responds. Weiss and Blake then join the hug and everyone is smiling.

The End

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