Chapter 12

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Ruby is in a local coffee shop, getting some coffee for herself. After Ruby got her coffee, she went back to her table, which is located at the outside part of the coffee shop. The people present are Weiss, Blake, Yang, Paige, Justin, Riley, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Qrow and Winter. Yang is just leaning back on the chair as she waits for Ruby. Ruby sits between Weiss and Yang.

"About those soldiers. Who is making them?" Ruby asks.

"Father." Weiss responds.

"Actually, let's call him Jacques." Winter responds.

"So he is supposedly creating these soldiers. How though?" Yang asks.

"Me and Weiss got a few files from Jacques' secret office. And believe me, you will be surprised at what he does." Riley explains to Yang.

"Basically, what we know is that they are all recruits. He got them either because the person was assumed dead or are orphans who have no home, literally." Weiss explains.

"We also know that they have got extremely enhanced. That is probably how they were all able to keep up with the General, me and Qrow." Winter explains.

To the fight from yesterday

Winter is trying to blitz all the soldiers but for some reason, they are all able to keep up with her.


"What about the main guy?" Ruby asks "We barely know anything about him."

"Yes Ruby is correct, we just know that he can show up and disappear whenever he wants to, that stuff." says Blake.

"Well, here is his identity." Winter goes to get something, but then.

Someone then suddenly appears, falling on the table, breaking it in the process. The person gets up and push kicks Winter away from the coffee shop and onto the main streets. Qrow then punches the person, but he blocked with a robotic arm, which just pushes him back a few feet. The person is shown to be the soldier.
"Will he ever quit?" Yang asks in frustration, as everyone got out their weapons. Blake pulls out her weapon and aims at the soldier. Ruby, Qrow, Jaune, Ren, Oscar, Paige, Justin, Riley and Weiss did look behind to notice they were going to get run over by a military truck. They avoid the truck, however, Blake, Yang and Nora are pushed by the truck. Yang and Nora try to stop it by pushing back with their own strength, Blake just jumped to the top of the truck, to which the soldier kicked her off. The back door opens revealing tons of soldiers getting out, carrying various weapons. Yang and Nora were able to hold back long enough for the truck's engine to over heat and explode. Yang then punches the truck, with so much force that it's launched all the way to the main soldier crushing him, as it seems.

The soldier lifts the truck with ease then puts it back down.

"You know the drill." says the soldier with a distorted voice "Kill Winter Schnee. and protect people" the soldier gives the orders to all the other soldiers. The main soldier then pulls out a machine gun, as it seems. He aims at a recovering Winter and shoots at her. It was a light speed laser. Winter got up and dodged it casually.

"Those light speed attacks are too slow." Winter then gets out her swords. The soldier fires some more. As Qrow joins in, they both block and dodge casually the laser shots like they're no issue.

"You have to come down here to fight us." says Qrow.

(Stop song)

Ruby helps Oscar to get back.

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