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One — Reality Show

I've never felt so roasted in my life. Like literally because I can feel my face burning with I don't know how to call it, embarassment? Maybe. The wine isn't even helping me.

"You're my type, but I don't like you. I mean, it's too early to tell. Like, you have to get to know a person first before you......" Oh my goodness, I'm blabbering. What the hell is happening to me?

Everyone started making noises and assumptions and whatnots about my feelings which I myself can't really tell at the moment, because it's just so early so I started to shake my head. In this kind of situation, it's better to rest my case. In fact, this isn't what I signed up for. I am not here for feelings. I need no distraction from my goal.

Good thing, Lou didn't take the conversation seriously though. She said thank you and that's all. She didn't even try to probe deeper and that's the ultimate catharsis.

They started talking about something else and Lou being Lou conversed with our fellows with so much enthusiam. She is laughing so hard that her eyes are starting to disappear. She keeps laughing and talking animatedly and as much as I try to keep my eyes off of her, there is something about her that draws me in.

Maybe it's the sound of her laugh. It's boisterous and genuine and unpretencious. At some point it is not even unlady-like but still it doesn't stop me from having this weird feeling of.... I don't know. It's too early to name.

Or maybe her long black hair. I wonder how it feels like to run my fingers through them.

Or, it could be her complexion. God! Her tan is everything! This is the thing about Filipinas, they got gorgeous tans but they like to get whiter skin and I do not get that, and will not try because it's their life, their skin and their body. I do not have a say.

But, this girl sitting just right across the table doesn't mind having morena skin. I mean, why would she? She's freaking gorgeous and I love it.

Hang on, what? Love?

Dammit, André. Jumping into conclusions especially when it involve feelings isn't your cup of tea.

Again, I shook my head as I try to look away from her. Good thing, I remember Abi, my friend and whom I treat as a sister is beside me. So, I tried to open up a topic to her.

But failed.

Lou's energy is like a magnet. No matter how hard I try, it still gets me. It's starting to get frustrating.

I stood up from my seat and maybe get some splash on the pool.

I swim back and forth until eventually I felt tired. Abi came in and we started talking, as friends. On the side of the pool where I sat on the tiled floor, my legs hanging into the water with her.

She started to ask me things and Lou, she'll never be out of the topic. My feelings for her just became controversial for everyone, especially to Abi. And I also don't understand why she pays so much attention to it when in fact I'm not even entertaining this, whatever feelings. There is a big chance that I maybe crushing on Lou but that's it! Why would one make a big deal out of it? Last time I check, it's normal to have a crush. And Lou? She's definitely crushable!

What I didn't know is that, Lou is already floating on the pool with a floater. She looks like she's having deep thoughts and I wonder what she's thinking.

"Uy." Abi called out, snapping me off my own trance.

"What were you saying?" I asked politely.

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