#21: Bird Bus

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"So will we know when the plane takes off?" Vanessa asked.

"Yes," Merlyn chuckled. "They usually make some sort of announcement."

"Why have you been on airplanes before?" Vanessa questioned. "You can do the Chant of Akadi, right?"

"The Chant of Akadi is pretty difficult to master," Merlyn said. "It certainly isn't an beginner's spell."

"So you're like, really powerful?" Vanessa said.

"I am a moderately powerful mage," Merlyn explained. "There's a lot that goes into it though. Pure magic potential has a lot to do with the quality of mage, as well as the smarts to be able to utilize magic properly. As it pertains to myself, I am just a rather gifted spellcaster. It's always come easily to me."

"What do you mean? What's the difference between that and 'pure magic potential'?"

Merlyn made a face at her.

"What? That seems like a legit question."

"You're American, so think of it in terms of guns, Ms. Moreland," Merlyn grumbled. "If magical potential was ammunition, than spellcasting is a gun. It might be impressive to have a lot of bullets, but without a way to use them, they're useless."

Vanessa crossed her arms. "When is this plane gonna go?"

"The flight will begin shortly, I'm sure," Merlyn grumbled as he pulled out a small book.

"What're you reading?"

"A book. I assume you've seen one or two of these before?"

"You're cranky," Vanessa muttered.

They exchanged side glances for a moment. "It's called The Night Sister," Merlyn said. "It's by Jennifer McMahon."

"What do you like about it?"

He shrugged. "I just enjoy it. It's well-written and reminds me of my sister."

Vanessa's expression softened. "Merlyn?"


"What was her name?"

"Jennifer McMahon, I just said."

"No, not the author."

Merlyn shifted. "Her name was Anais."

Vanessa nodded. "You don't talk about her much."

"You don't talk about Gracie or Gideon much," he noted coolly.

"Not to you," she admitted. "But we're like super cool magic F.B.I. agents. We're usually working and taking down bad guys, siblings don't come up a lot."

"Exactly," Merlyn said.

"Yeah, but I get the vibe that you don't really talk about her ever."

"So what?"

"I don't know," Vanessa said, feeling small. "I just, I guess I figured maybe we could talk about it if--"

"If what?" Merlyn snapped. "If I wanted to? I don't want to and if I ever feel the need to, I assure you, I will choke it down and bury it where it belongs."

"Where it belongs?" Vanessa said. "Are you kidding me? That's the worst way to deal with anything."

"Except a dead body," Merlyn muttered.

"Cemeteries take up so much space," Vanessa corrected. "It's way better to cremate."

"Why do you care so damn much?"

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