#29: Goldbeard

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"So to cast this spell," Bennett said, "you really need to focus your energy in your palm."

"I gathered, based on your example," Merlyn said.

"The first time you cast it, you won't be able to make it very big," Bennett continued. "Don't worry about size right now. Just worry about making it. Making it bigger will be easier once you've done it the first time."

Merlyn nodded. He held out his hand, hoping to summon the Dark Orb. After a few minutes, however, he just looked at Bennett boredly. "This isn't working."

"No," Bennett agreed. "Try harder."

"What's that the best advice you've got for me?"

"Yeah," Bennett said. "It's like creating a little Shield of Hestia in your hand, but dangerous."

"That's unhelpful," Merlyn grumbled.

Bennett shrugged and took a seat on a small bench next to Vanessa. They were standing in a small clearing on Bennett's property, where a scarecrow was perched on a stick for Merlyn to use to practice with.

"This isn't going well," Vanessa noted.

Bennett nodded. "Yeah, he's trying too hard, I think. He needs to breathe."

Vanessa looked at her mentor, struggling to summon the Dark Orb.

"How can we help?"

"We can't," Bennett said. "I don't think bringing up pop song covers are going to help this particular problem."

"Might be worth a shot," Vanessa said.

Bennett chuckled. "That was clever, on your part. How'd you know that would work?"

"I didn't," she said. "But I'm glad it did. Not sure I'd keep my job if the magic man died on a business trip."

"Probably not," Bennett agreed. "These Cultists, are they really that big of a problem?"

"They call themselves revolutionaries," Vanessa said. "We're guessing they're trying to destroy B.R.O.M. and establish their own world order."

"That would make sense," Bennett said. "I mean, that certainly sounds like something Goldbeard would be into."

"What do you know about Goldbeard?" Vanessa asked. "You haven't talked about him a lot."

"I mean, we spent six months together and still sometimes I feel like I hardly knew him," Bennett said. "He said he had a girlfriend, although he was worried she was going to leave him. Apparently he just left without saying anything."

Vanessa frowned. "Really?"

"Yeah, fainted in the middle of his job and woke up with magic powers. Somehow knew to come straight to me, but didn't really have time to get anything else figured out. He talked about her a lot."

"That sounds like someone I know," Vanessa mumbled.

"That's it!" Bennett shouted suddenly, snapping his fingers. "That's why the name Moreland sounded familiar! That was Goldbeard's girlfriend's name. Something Moreland."

Vanessa swallowed. "Gracie."

Bennett looked at her suspiciously. "Yeah, I think that was it. Gracie Moreland. You know her?"

"Guys!" Merlyn shouted from a few yards away. "I think I'm figuring it out! It's small but I've got it here!"

A massive burst of air exploded all around them, knocking Merlyn off of his feet and sending Vanessa and Bennett to the ground. They all looked over to see someone approaching them, holding the magic staff.

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