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It's hard to make out their features in the shadowy darkness surrounding them. They look to be a part of the darkness that surrounds them, translucent and mysterious.

"We really do need more light in this place," Y/N hums thoughtfully. They snap their fingers, igniting the nearest torches around them. The F/C flame that dances around the base of the torches casts dim light upon the young human's features. A slight gasp can be heard from Blueberry as we become aware of what Nightmare did to them.

The H/C veil of hair they once adorned has faded into a deep shade of violet, almost black but not. It almost has a metallic shine to it, each strand seemingly shining brightly through the darkness. Their skin, once a healthy S/C, has been corrupted into a light, ashy-grey colour. They stare ahead with eyes as black as coal, tiny pinprick dots substituting their pupils. They adorn plates of shiny black armor around them, serving as protection. Their lips are painted black.

"That's much better," They smile, looking at the flame. "Now... we have some business to take care of, don't we, dear painter?" They ask with a slight tilt of their head.

"I don't know who or what you are," I frown, taking my paintbrush off of my back. "But you will let go of that human, or else."

"Oh... about that. You see, when Nightmare took a hold of Y/N's code, he altered it in a way that fitted me. He pushed all of Y/N's thoughts and memories away, replacing them with mine. I have fused onto their very coding, latching myself onto their body and using it as a vessel. I am the leader of Nightmare's league of shadows, the messenger to my master and the right hand man to evil. And speaking of messengers..." The entity corrupting Y/N smiles, reaching into the bag hung upon their hip. It brings out a folded piece of fabric.  "The human wanted me to give this to you. A gift, if you will."

They carelessly toss the object to the ground. I instantly recognize the article as my jacket, the one I lent to Y/N just days before. I pick the article of clothing off of the ground.

"You monster..." Blue whispers, looking straight ahead at the entity. "You absolute beast!"

"Blue, Dream, you have to go," I murmur, out of earshot for the entity. 

"What?" They ask at the same time. 

"Go! Find Nightmare, I'll meet you there." 

The two of them nod, and without a word, turn and disappear into the shadows.

The shadow inhabiting Y/N smiles, a sadistic show of happiness at my team's retreat.

"So, they really are cowards! I'm surprised you work with them, they only hold you down--"

 "I know that you're still there, Y/N," I look up at their corrupt form with a sad smile. Their eyes flicker momentarily, a look of slight happiness and relief darting across the creature's white pinprick pupils.

"D-Did you not hear a word I just said?!" The creature snarls angrily. "The human's code is gone!"

"I heard you," I shrug. "But I wasn't talking to you, was I?" I ask quietly. The creature seems to take offense to this, as it closes it's fist around a small weapon strapped to it's side.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that, you weakling!" It spits in fury. "I am your superior! Surrender to me now or face dire consequences!"

And through it all, through the fury and the fear, through the hurt and the surprise, I feel it.

I feel Y/N.

They're still there, still fighting, awake and aware of what they want and what they feel.

And so, for them, I say...


The entity, enraged, walks forwards in what seems like a split second, holding the knife to my neck with a trembling hand. "What did you just say to me?" It asks through gritted teeth.

"I said no," I look into their dark eyes, stubbornly holding my ground. Y/N's essence becomes stronger, more powerful, more alive with every word I say. It brings a smile to my face.

"So you think this is funny?!" The creature shrieks. "To laugh at my dismay, is that what you want?! Well laugh all you want, you won't be when I kill you!"

"But you won't." I state plainly.


"You won't kill me. Not now, not ever. You won't even hurt me." I shrug. The creature begins to shake, their breathing heavy and their eyes widening. Their hand is clenched so tightly around the handle of the knife, their knuckles are white.

After a moment, they drop the knife and fall to one knee, panting. "What have you done to me, you bastard?!" They ask, terrified. 

"It's simple," I kneel down, looking sternly into their eyes. "I brought out the Y/N in you." I murmur. The creature begins to groan and shake, their form glitching in and out of the air like a hologram. Suddenly, there before me, is a S/C skinned human, pure, innocent, and scared.

"Ink??" They ask, looking at me with tear-filled eyes. 

"Y/N! I'm here, are you okay?" I ask, steadying their form as they sit up. 

"There isn't m-much time! You have to get to Nightmare, he's planning on destroying something called the Doodle-Sphere. He's sending out his shadows in an hour, they'll cover every universe, a-and feed on their codes, he said. When the shadows are stronger they'll come for you. You have to hurry! I can't hold this form much longer, the shadow is taking over again, Promise you'll stop him!" They clutch their chest in pain, straining to get a hold of themselves.

"Y/N, just hold on for me, I promise I will!"  I hold their hand. "What else did Nightmare say? How do I help you, how do I get rid of the shadow?" 

"The flowers..." They whisper, their voice barely audible.  Their body begins to shift back to it's darker form, the shadow gaining control again. 

"What? Y/N, stay with me!" 

"The flowers...!" They repeat again with a sob. 

"What flowers? Y/N, what about them?!" 

"The flowers have to speak." They say, looking into my eyes, the shadow gaining full control.

"You won't do that again, you asshole!" The creature shrieks, fury lacing their words. They launch themselves forwards, knife in hand. They stop short an inch away from my face, their arm trembling. They growl and try again, to no avail. Y/N must be in control in some ways, at least... I note.

"Screw this! I'm going to get reinforcements! Just you wait, I will kill you!" They scream angrily, disappearing into a torrent of F/C flames. 

I stand up and run in the direction my team went, urgent to get to Nightmare and fulfill my promise to Y/N.  



this one took a while


my fingers hurt ;m;

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