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A week, that's how long Bonnie been here. Seven days since Isabella's wedding. One hundred and sixty-eight hours since Bonnie known about her brother's death. Ten thousand eighty minutes since her godchildren let her back in their life. Six hundred four thousand eight hundred seconds since Bonnie found out that she had a mate, Carlisle Cullen.

It's crazy how the world works. One moment you're all alone living in your fancy penthouse in New York City, debating if your life was worth living. Wondering what's the meaning of this so-called, immortality. What was the whole purpose of living forever when you had no one to share it with? You had no one to come home too. No one will be there when you're hurt. No one will care if you die. No one will know because you'll always be alone. 

And then the next minute, you're back to the one place you swore you'll never return. To the place where you were once so happy and now it only brings you pain. You would rather be alone than to feel misery. To feel pain worse than death. Worse than the poison that caused your heart to stop, that made you immortal. 

Although it has brought you pain, it also brought you closer to the people you left behind. It gave you the chance to fix the damages that you caused when you ran away. It gave you the opportunity to meet new people, people you never thought of meeting. To create new memories and new bonds that will last a lifetime. Perhaps going back to the place that caused you pain might ease the suffering. It just might leave you at peace. 

Perhaps you just had to go back there and remember that even though it caused you agony, it made you stronger. Strong enough to go back there and forgive those who had harmed you in the past. Don't forgive and forget, but forgive and move on. Don't waste your time living in the past when you can live for the future, a happier one. 


The rain fell softly as if it knew of the hardship both behind and ahead. Each droplet alighted on her skin with just enough coolness to command her mind to the present, to pull her away from the pain of the past and the uncertainty of what was to come. The beads over her face, more numerous than even the small freckles in her skin, joined to wash over her in a delicate fall of trickles. Bonnie raised her eyes to the grey layer that touched every mountain top, there was more to come before the skies cleared, of that she could be sure. 

"What do you want," Bonnie's asked, annoyed that he was interrupting her quiet time. For the past few days, she has been avoiding him and his family. She doesn't know what to do with him. Ever since she found out that he was her mate, ironically the murder of her brother, she felt odd. She wondered, how come the world loved to fuck her life up. First, she became a heartless monster, then life took away the one person she held dear to her and now, life thinks it'll be a good idea to make her brother's murder her mate.  Off all people, why him? Why choose him?

"It's raining. You shouldn't--" Bonnie rudely cut him off. "Oh please, it's not like I'll get sick. This cold less body doesn't feel a thing." She snickered ready to leave Carlisle standing by himself. 

Instead of walking away, Bonnie found herself pinned to a nearby tree with Carlisle staring down at her. She looked at him and she became breathless. Carlisle looked like a god underneath the rain. From up close she noticed the sharpness of his jaw. Felt the warmth that radiated from his body. Felt his breath caressing her cheeks, felt his strong chest speeding up causing it to touch her. She saw his lips part open yet no sound came out. Looking away from his lips Bonnie stared at his eyes. Although he shared the same color eyes as his 'family' yet to her she found them to be unique. The rain illuminated his goldeneyes. They weren't yellow like a comic book cat, but a liquid gold amber. As the seconds passed his eyes darkened with lust- a pure animal lust. 

𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒚 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔 [𝐝.𝐜]Where stories live. Discover now