Returning to Forks

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As I lay there on the cold ground, I knew what followed. I knew this was the end for me. I should feel hatred for the person staring down at me yet I didn't. I didn't feel any anger or resentment but pity. Pity because I will move on to a better place as for her, she'll continue to live with herself. Like she said 'I will die while she lives' something she clearly doesn't want. I wanted to say something to her yet nothing came out, my lips wouldn't open. So I continue to stare at her until my fragile, human heartbeat one last time.

The very last thing I heard before everything turned black was the soft apology from my murderer.


Bonnie stood there quietly watching the man she just killed. Did she feel any kind of remorse? Yes, but that didn't stop her from killing him. All the anger, the pain, the heartache she felt kept eating at her, never letting her mind and soul rest until she took yet another life. How many lives has she taken within these past few days? She doesn't remember, but she knows that her killing spree has gotten enough attention that it might have reached the Volturi by now. It is not like she's actually worried, Aro will just slap her hand and tell her to keep her kills to a bare minimum. He might even ask her to teach his guards a thing or two about killing, but knowing Bonnie, she would just roll her eyes and walk out the castle; swinging her hips a little to show what Caius is missing out on. 

Looking away from the body, Bonnie slightly looked over her shoulder, "have you been enjoying the show?" Bonnie asked her bright ruby eyes was the only source of light. The two strangers that were hiding behind the tree came into view; Jasper and Emmett Cullen. Jasper looked down at the dead body; sadness, upset, and disappointment were written on his face while Emmett looked surprised that Bonnie was this brutal. 

Jasper's golden eyes looked up at Bonnie and immediately, she rolled her eyes. "Don't look at me with those judgmental eyes. If I am correct you were just as bad as me, perhaps even worse." 

Shaking his head, "I was nothing like you, Bonnie. I didn't like to torment my prey before killing them. And besides, I am not judging---" Bonnie scoffed and turned around. Jasper and Emmett notice the difference in Bonnie, her eyes were different. Of course, they're a brighter shade of red because of all the killing she has made but they weren't bright; in the sense of happiness. They're empty and dull, much like how Carlisle's eyes are now. 

"You can't lie to me, Jasper Whitlock. You and I both know what the look of judgment looks like and you sir, have it written all over your pale vampire face." Bonnie stared at his eyes but he looked away knowing she was right. Once again she scoffed and turned to Emmett. "What you doing here?" 

Emmett couldn't help but look at the body before looking back at Bonnie, "we need your help with something." The way he sounded afraid and worried, caused Bonnie to stop and turn her full attention to him. From Edward's memories, she knew what kind of person Emmett Cullen was and afraid and worried wasn't it. 

Bonnie knew that whatever they needed was going to make her go back to Forks and that's the last thing she needed at this moment. She did something she promised herself to never to, she harmed Charlie, broke her promise to stay by Jake's side and broke Carlisle's heart,  she didn't want to go back there. Not anytime soon; perhaps in a few hundred years or maybe never but right now, all she needed was to stay away from Forks. 

Without saying a word, she turned around and picked up the dead man from his arm. Emmett and Jasper followed her as she dragged the man, "it's about Bella."

Bonnie continue walking, "I told your father that she needed to drink human blo---" 

Jasper cut Bonnie off. "She hasn't become a vampire," Jasper said watching as Bonnie threw the man inside the huge blue garbage bin. 

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