| Chapter 13 |explanation|

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When there's madness, when there's poison in your head
When the sadness leaves you broken in your bed
I will hold you in the depths of your despair
And it's all in the name of love


After his somewhat ruthless admission, both Drew and Adam had not said a word. Kyros had hoped for some advise and help but neither was willing to talk, it was almost as if they wanted to forget what he had said.

Drew had taken it the worst and Adam just looked ashamed.

"Give him some time." Adam said, a sad smile on his face, "He'll come around soon hopefully."

Kyros suddenly felt guilty, "Did my words affect him that much?"

Adam sighed tiredly, "He's been through a lot, I put him through a lot and what you just said might have reminded him of some of the things I used to say back when I was young and angry at the whole world."

"Should I apologise to him?"

"Give him time." Adam repeated, then went back to doing his work silently.

After a while, Drew came to Kyros, looking seemingly composed and calm. But Kyros suspected that was just a façade, Drew's eyes looked ready to punch. What his hands didn't do, his words sure did, "Don't you dare use that boy."

Kyros was more confused now, "Use him?"

"For your own ego or pleasure. Don't you dare use him."

Kyros was horrified, "I would never do that!" Memories that he would rather have forgotten came haunting back to him. Memories of a night, a man, moans and kisses.

Drew's unwavering eyes still looked back at Kyros with hurt and determination.

"Drew we need your help with the washing!" Someone shouted at the back, interrupting their talk.

"Come with me." Drew said and Kyros followed.

A sheepish looking man stood at the washing counter, "Cop isn't feeling too well so he's resting, hope you don't mind taking on his load?"

Drew waved him away good naturedly, "No bother, can you just send Adam here and get someone to cover for him?"

The man smiled knowingly, "Sure, thanks Drew."

The man turned to Kyros, "Those two are inseparable! Like two halves of the same coin."

Two halves of the same coin. It was perfect to describe what Drew and Adam had, they competed each other. Where Drew was quirky and mischievous, Adam was strict and serious. They would've made wonderful parents.

Kyros wondered what had happened to make the two so skittish about this particular topic. What were they before they became two halves of the same coin?

Drew watched as Adam came to them, the latter looked ready to be sick, but Kyros knew the type of determination that flowed in Adam's veins. That man wouldn't back down even if it meant carrying the world.

Kyros felt the atmosphere tense up as soon as Adam cam to stand beside Drew. He looked pained and guilty, as if he were plagued by regrets that he didn't get to set right.

Kyros noticed how Adam now maintained a distance from Drew, but the man wouldn't have any of it and he pulled Adam close to himself by his waist saying, "I've already forgiven you but you'll have to forgive yourself too sometime."

Adam said nothing.

Drew sighed and started, "There was a time when I was a scrawny little introverted boy. I was so socially awkward that even saying 'hi' scared the shit out of me. Then there was this man," Drew prodded Adam with his elbow and Adam let out a small smile, "He was a hunk even back then and with the biggest ego anyone had ever seen."

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