Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Finn's POV-

It's been one week since I kissed Rachel and I can't help but feel guilty, you might think that I feel guilty because I've cheated on my wife, but no its because I got up and left Rachel in the room without speaking to her about it. The truth is ever since I kissed her that night, I can't help but want to kiss her again.

Getting pulled out of my thoughts I see Quinn standing there with a small smile on her face, giving her a small smile back she takes that a sign for her to come in. Me and Quinn haven't talked for a week since that night, once I left Kurt's house or basically ran away from Rachel, I rung Quinn to see if we could sort things out and we got into a massive argument leading me to stay at Puck's my best friend apartment.

"Hi" she says closing the door behind her

"Hi" I say back to her. "I'm sorry" we both say at the same time smiling when we said it

"No Finn really I am sorry I miss you and the house feels empty without you there. Can you move back in please?" she said taking my hand and sitting on the desk

Taking both of her hands in mine my gaze turns to where Rachel is sitting at her desk looking at us through the window until she sees that she's been caught and turns her head. Sighing I turn my attention back to Quinn and notice that she has an annoyed look on her face.

"oh, I'm sorry am I interrupting your staring time at Berry?" Quinn asks snatching her hands out of mine and standing up

"What? No, I wasn't staring at her" I lied

"But I do have to check every now and then that they are actually getting on with their work" I say quickly trying to sound convincing. Nodding her head at what I was saying she comes over and starts kissing me, kissing her back I eventually pull away.

"I'll be back home after work" I tell her giving her a quick kiss on the cheek

"Okay me and Santana are going out for lunch and I was thinking we could ask Rachel to come with us" she says getting down from the desk.

"She doesn't have her lunch break till 2" I say to her knowing that trouble would go down if Rachel went for lunch with them. Looking at me suspiciously Quinn doesn't say anything and just nods walking out the door. Sighing in relieve when she left, I put my head in my hands thinking of the mess I'm in.

Rachel's Pov-

Seeing Finn and Quinn together kissing is killing me I know that we've only kissed once but it felt like fireworks exploding when our lips touched. Trying to distract myself I started sorting through the ridiculous amount of paperwork Finn had but it was no good my mind kept flashing back to a week ago when we kissed.

Getting distracted I watched Quinn walk out of his office and her and Santana start walking towards the door to leave not before them both turning around and sending me glares.

Rolling my eyes at them, I look at Finn through his window and see that he has his head in his hands and then moves his attention onto his computer. Feeling bad for some reason I stand up and start walking towards his office. Knocking on the door I walk in without waiting for him to respond.

"Rachel, what can I do for you?" he says to me looking up from his computer for a second and then looking back at it

"I was wondering if I could go for my lunch now and if you wanted to join me?" I ask him hoping that he would say yes

"I... sure, that would be great. You go and grab your things and I'll meet you by the door" he says standing up. Nodding I walk out of his room and grab my things meeting him at the door. We both agree to go to a little café that's around the corner.

When we arrive, we both sit down at the table looking at the menu ordering what we want for lunch. While we were waiting for our order we randomly start chatting and laughing about Kurt and how we both know him but didn't know each other and his advice when it had anything to do with fashion.

After lunch

"You don't need to pay Finn" I tell him as I get cash out of my purse. Pushing my hands out of the way gently he hands the cash to a staff member before I can even stop him. Looking up at him I see that smirk on his face, rolling my eyes playfully I put my money back in my purse and stand up.

"I've had a great time Rachel your really good company and seeing how you let me complain about my wife and your best friend the least I could do was pay for your food" he says to me standing up

"Well thankyou then" I say to him grabbing my jacket of the chair and standing up.

Walking back to the office in comfortable silence, Finn suddenly pulls me down an alley way. Staring up at him I see him looking at my lips and then to my eyes as if asking for permission. Nodding my head, I feel soft lips touch mine, feeling shivers go down my body I deepen the kiss. Not wanting this kiss to end I wrap my arms round his neck and his rested on my waist.

Eventually pulling away from the kiss I can't help but blush, hearing a small chuckle I feel my body being wrapped up in his arms, putting my head against his chest I can't help but want this to be my future and never end.

"I could stay like this forever" I say quietly

"Nothing can happen" I hear Finn say to me. Nodding my head, I reply "I know it can't Finn because your married" I sigh tightening my grip round him

"no" he replied "nothing can happen because of the rule... no office romance" he says leaning in to kiss me again.

So that's the end of chapter 5 I hope you enjoyed. Please like and comment thankyou 😊

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