Chapter 3

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chapter 3

"Kurt what are you doing here?" I ask him. "We thought we would come round and celebrate your first day at Hudson International and how it's over and you survived like we agreed I would if you got a job and I dragged Finn along seeing as he's your boss" he replies clapping his hands.

"Okay but we agreed that would only happen and we'd celebrate if I got offered a Broadway job and the last time, I checked working as a personal assistant isn't Broadway" I say back to him with my hands on my hips waiting for him to come up with a good reason.

"okay so maybe it isn't Broadway, but we just wanted to celebrate with you and Brittany was already over and she said it was okay" he said shrugging his shoulders like he always did when he was trying to pass the blame onto someone else looking at Brittany.

"why are you staying over Brittany?" I ask her confused as to why she was here. "we arranged like two weeks ago for me to come and stay with you for a little while" she replies to me rolling her as I forgot once again. The conversation we had over text popped into my head and I curse myself yet again for not remembering.

"oh yeah I remember now Brittany I'm sorry I forgot, just with everything that has happened in the last few weeks I forgot to ask if we could rearrange for another time" I said to her. Brittany just nods her head understanding the stress that I've been under with multiple auditions turned down and trying to find a job ASAP, so I don't end up homeless.

"Look guys it's not that I don't love your company and how you want to celebrate the fact that I've survived the first day of my job but I'm tired and all I want to do is relax and by relax, I mean do absolutely nothing apart from lie in my bed" I say to them hoping they would get the hint and leave.

"How about you go and have a nice hot bath or shower and us three will go and pick up a takeaway or something, so you don't have to cook?" Brittany says standing up dragging Kurt and Finn up with her.

"Yeah that sounds great" I reply walking into my bedroom not dreaming of disagreeing with her as I really want this hot bath.

45 minutes later and I decide to get out of the bath as the water is going cold and I'm starting to look very wrinkly. Wrapping myself in a towel I open the bathroom door and shout into the living room "Kurt, Brittany Finn?" to see if they are back but my question being answered as I hear no reply. Turning around to get changed I realise I left my pjs in the washing machine. Groaning to myself that I forgot to get them out before I walk into the kitchen with just my towel wrapped around me. Bending down to look through the machine I grab my pjs and head towards the bedroom but let out a scream as I saw Finn standing there watching me.

"Finn, I didn't know you were still here?" I say to him putting my hand to my chest. Looking at me with an amused expression on his face. "I guessed by your scream you didn't expect me to be here" he replied laughing.

Glaring at him for finding it funny I chuck my pyjamas at him, "err Rach" he says catching my attention. Looking at him waiting for him to say whatever he has to say he points at my chest where my towel has dropped. Gasping and feeling my face get hot and turn red I grab my clothes off him and run into my bedroom locking the door wanting the room to swallow me up.

10 minutes later and I'm still hiding in my room Finn is trying to convince me to come out of my room but I'm too embarrassed to face him.

"Rach come on you can't hide in the room forever" he says to me on the other side of the door. Shaking my head and replying no to him I hear him sigh. "come on we can forget everything about what happened" he tries again.

Sighing I stand up unlocking the door allowing Finn to come in "Say one thing Finn one thing and I will hit you" I warn him before he says anything. "I wasn't going to say anything I swear" he says putting his hands in the air.

Promising me that he wasn't going to say anything about it, he kept his word we sat in my bedroom talking about our lives. Me telling him about my Broadway dreams I had since I was little and him telling me about his wife. "So how long have you and your wife been married for" I ask him

But before he could respond Brittany and Kurt walk in with the takeaway. Muttering under my breath at how pleased I was to see Kurt and Brittany with the food I walked over to them. "we didn't know what food you wanted so we went for the safe option and just got pizza, hope that's okay" Kurt says while looking around the cupboards for some plates.

"yeah that's fine Kurt" I respond back to him pointing to the cupboard of where the plates are kept.

Finding the plates, we all start to dig into the pizza chatting about random things and sharing embarrassing moments which I purposely sat out of not wanting to join in. When we all finished eating and chatting Kurt and Finn both agreed that it was time for them to leave.

Standing up and bringing the plates to the kitchen I bump into Finn "It's becoming a habit you bumping into me" Finn says to me with a smirk on his face. Rolling my eyes at him I put the plates in the sink. "Don't you have a wife to get back too?" I ask him

"Yeah I do and I'm now going but I was waiting to speak to you" he replied

"erm okay, what about?" I asked him curiously

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to tell anyone about you flashing your boobs to me" he replies with a smirk leaving me standing there with my face like a tomato

Not wanting Kurt or Brittany to find out what happened I told him to keep his voice down, but the damage had already been done and I knew I was in for a long night of explaining when I heard two voices shouting "what?" at me.

Finn's POV:

I can't help but like her I think to myself as I sit here in the bedroom listening to her talk about Broadway, there's just something about her that I like but shouldn't because I'm married to the one I love or at least that's what I tell myself.

So that is the end of chapter 3 of Forbidden hope you enjoy. Please like and comment. Also, if you have any suggestions of what could happen in the next chapters let me know thank you. 😊

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