Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

It all started when Rachel Berry moved to New York. She once had this dream to become a big Broadway star becoming famous and following in her mother's footsteps but unfortunately that all changes when her landlord is threatening to throw her out onto the street and gets turned down for yet another Broadway audition, changing all of her dreams and plans forcing her to get a job.

"That's it my Broadway career is officially over before its even started" I said to Kurt with tears in my eyes as I hang up my phone "that is another audition I have got turned down for" "you'll find something Rach you know you will" replied Kurt putting his hand on my shoulder trying to comforting me.

"that is the 15th audition Kurt, I'm never going to find anything and even if I do by that point, I'll be homeless, begging people on the streets for money" I replied back.

Sighing Kurt throws his phone at me "Your going to have to apply for it" I standing up with an annoyed look on my face and throw the phone back at Kurt "I'm not going to apply for a stupid personal assistant job Kurt when I'm meant to be on a Broadway stage performing to thousands of people"

"Rachel, you need a job you said yourself your Broadway career is over and you're going to be homeless. Just apply for the job or I'll do it for you and as the business is my brothers, I can guarantee you will get an interview" Kurt says as his phone rings "I need to take this, look think about applying for the job yes? It will be money in your pocket and you'll still have this roof over your head" He says as he walks out the door.

Sighing I dial the number into my phone and wait until someone answers.

"Hudson's international, Tina speaking how may I help you" This woman replies

"oh, hi my name is Rachel Berry and I would like to apply for that personal assistant job please" I say sighing quietly. "Can you stay on the line please as I pass you through to the CEO" she replies. "Err yeah sure thank you" I reply.

15 minutes later and I'm still waiting in that time I have put a pizza in the oven and finished washing up, groaning to myself about how long they are taking, I decide to just give up and hang up the phone but just as I'm about to hang up someone comes back on the line. "Hi Rachel it's Tina, I'm sorry but Mr Hudson is in a meeting right now and can't talk" typical I think to myself as I carry on listening "but he would like you to come in tomorrow morning for an interview at 9am if that's okay with you" she replies. "Yes, that would be great thankyou" I reply

"Okay your booked in for tomorrow at 9am, I would suggest you turn up 10 minutes early as he tends to interview people ten minutes earlier then their appointment. Please report to the reception when you come in and someone will take you up to the right place" she finishes. "okay ten minutes early and report to reception" I say to myself.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Tina asks

"No that is everything thank you" "okay then good luck for tomorrow" she replies

"Thank you, bye," I reply back to her. Kurt walks back into the room as I hang up. "you'll never..." "as promised" we both say at the same time. "go on" I say to Kurt "as promised Miss Rachel Berry I have gone and got you a job interview at Hudson International at 8am tomorrow" He says with a big excited smile on his face.

"Kurt" I begin to say as he starts rambling on about what I need to wear for the interview "Kurt" I say louder this time getting his attention. "I already rung up Hudson international and got an interview for tomorrow at 9am"

Looking at me he says "I thought you didn't want to work in an office as a personal assistant" Rolling my eyes at him, I get up and go into the kitchen. Sometimes I just can't win. I mean one minute he's telling me to apply for the job and gets me an interview and the next he's saying I thought you didn't want a job because I got an interview myself.

"Kurt, I thank you for getting me an interview for tomorrow. But you were right I need a job and money to keep this roof over my head and there's only one way to get it and that's by getting an interview and getting the job" I say to him. "do you smell that" Kurt says getting up off the chair and sniffing the air. Looking around the smell also catches my attention. "crap the pizza" I yell running into the kitchen. As I pull out the burnt pizza, Kurt gets on his phone and orders us a takeaway.

Next day

Walking into Hudson international I walk up to the reception, getting a woman's attention "Hi I have an interview with Mr Hudson at 9am" I say looking at the woman's name tag called Tina, oh so she must have been the one who kept me waiting on the phone for 15 minutes yesterday. "Ah you must be Rachel Berry, we spoke on the phone yesterday my name is Tina" she replies looking at me smiling. "wait here please" she says getting out of her chair and walking to an office, knocking on the door she pokes her head round telling someone who I assume to be Mr Hudson that I have arrived.

"He will be with you in a minute, can I get you a tea or coffee while you wait" she asks. "No I'm okay thank you" nodding her head she walks back to her desk. Looking around the place I try to imagine myself working here everyone seems happy and friendly. Before I could think of anything else I get called.

"Rachel Berry please" I look up to who called my name. Dressed in a suit and tie I see the most handsome man I've ever seen in New York smiling at me. Smiling back I stand up and follow him into what I presume is his office.

Introducing himself I shake his hand as I take a seat, the ring on his left finger catching my attention. Thinking that it's typical that someone like him would be married. Snapping me out of my thinking, Mr Hudson begins to ask me questions.

"So, Rachel tell me about yourself" he says

"Well there isn't really much to say I'm Rachel Berry I'm 24 years old and unemployed. My dream was to work on Broadway but after numbers of rejections I guessed that it wasn't going to happen and that I should just get a job" I say being truthful as I didn't see the point in lying.

"your not my brothers best friend are you? The one he bugged me for half an hour yesterday to give you an interview"

"Err yeah that would be. I'm sorry that he did that, I would of stopped him if I had known" I reply feeling embarrassed that Kurt only got me an interview because he bugged his brother. "So Rachel normally I would ask a lot more questions about a load of crap and make you wait 3 days before I give you a decision but I've already made my decision. Your hired"

So that's the end of chapter 1 of forbidden.Hope you enjoyed it please Like and comment 😊

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