Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Well well well, look what we have here" Santana says looking between me and Finn

Before any of us can say anything, Quinn walks over to me and slaps me hard round the face. Touching my face where she slapped tears spring to my eyes. Not wanting her to get away with slapping me I decide to slap her hard back.

"I knew it I knew it all along" Quinn says shouting holding her face where I slapped her. "why would you do this to me Finn. Why would you cheat on me with her?" she says staring at Finn

"I... We haven't. Why do you always think that I'm the one who cheats on you? When you were the one who cheated on me" Finn says to her raising his voice

"Oh my gosh Finn get over it" she says back to him walking closer "it was a mistake and you know that and anyway that's not what we're talking about. What are you doing here with Berry"?

Shaking his head and looking away Finn grabs some papers off his desk and walks over to me handing me the papers "Rachel is here with me early in the morning to help me plan a surprise honeymoon for us that we never got to have but your so stuck in your thoughts that you think I'm cheating on you. I don't like her like that, and you should know it" he says walking towards Quinn and taking her hands and kissing her.

Standing up and grabbing my things I walk towards the door. "like we discussed, Hawaii would be a good place or Paris if you wanted to go the romantic way" I said grabbing Finn's attention

Walking out the door towards the toilets I try and hold my tears until I'm away from them so they can't see me cry. Wiping my eyes so my mascara doesn't look smudged Puck walks in.

"I'm not buying that crap you said in there about not liking him and you helping him plan a surprise honeymoon" Puck says waking towards me.

"Puck this is the ladies, you can't be in here" I say to him not replying to what he said.

"No one's around and anyway stop changing the subject. You like Finn, don't you?" he asks. Nodding my head, he also says "and he doesn't feel the same way?" Nodding my head to that as well he comes up to me and wraps him arms round me. "Look Finn is an idiot if he doesn't like you, but it also makes it a good thing" he says wiping my tears

"Why. how is not liking me a good thing?" I respond

"Because that means I get to take you out on a date. Of course, only if want me too though, you can say no I won't hold it against you" he says to me with a little smile on his face. Sensing me not knowing what to do he pulled out a piece of paper and pen. "Look here's my number if you have an answer ring me" he said putting the paper in my hand and walking out.

Looking at the paper he had just given me I pulled out my phone and wrote his number in my contacts. Sighing and looking at the time I see that it's nearly half 7 deciding it's pointless to go back to my apartment now I decide to go to my desk and get the paperwork that Finn needs sorting out for his meetings tomorrow.

Coming out of the office I see Quinn giving Finn a quick kiss then walking over to me with Santana. "I want to thank you for helping Finn surprise me with a honeymoon" she said smiling at me which quickly turned into a glare when Finn closed his office door.

"I know what your doing Berry and I don't believe that's the reason you've both been coming here early in the morning. I know you like Finn, so I want you to quit your job" Quinn says to me.

"I'm not quitting my job Quinn and there's nothing you can do about it. Believe me or don't about the honeymoon I really couldn't give a damn" I reply back to her

"you will never have Finn never ever Rachel and I will make sure of it" Quinn responds back knocking my drink over the papers Finn needed for his meetings "oops" she says laughing and walking away with Santana

Tears coming to my eyes for a third time today I grab some tissue and pat the papers dry but it's not any use and they ripped when I picked them up. Sighing I walk to Finn's office knocking on the door and walking in.

"Rachel..." Finn begins when he sees me standing there

"I need a copy of the paperwork you need for the meeting tomorrow sent to my email" I interrupt him not in the mood for what he was going to say to me

Frowning he replied "I thought you had them all printed and sorted"

Deciding to be honest I respond "I did yeah and then Quinn knocked my cup of water over them and I tried to dry it with tissue, but it ripped as soon as I picked it up"

"you had one job Rachel one job. No, I don't have copies for the meeting tomorrow otherwise I would have printed them out myself" Finn says raising his voice

"there's no point in shouting at me Finn I didn't knock the stupid water over your wife did on purpose. She wants me to quit my job and because I said no its obvious, she's going to try everything she can to get me fired" I say raising my voice back

"oh, don't start with that rubbish Rachel, Quinn walked over to you to say thank you for helping me. Which now I need to book a holiday to Hawaii" he replies rolling his eyes and typing something into his computer. "You think I would lie about that? You saw how Quinn was with me when we first met Finn"

"I think you should get back to work Rachel that's what you get paid for, my personal assistant nothing else" he says looking at me

Feeling tears come to my eyes again I nod my head and walk out before I hear him say "forget about the paperwork I'll get Tina to ring the company up and get another copy" closing the door behind me I walk to the toilets and let the tears out. Drying my eyes and reapplying my makeup Finn saying that I'm not but a personal assistant to him helps me decide about something. Pulling my phone out of my bag, I dial a number and I wait for them to pick up.

"Hi, it's Rachel" I speak into the phone "I'd love to go on that date with you Puck" I say smiling slightly and looking in the mirror.

So that's the end of chapter 7 I hope you enjoyed. I will try and update as soon as I can please continue reviewing and liking. Also, if you have any suggestions of what you want to happen please let me know. Thank you 😊

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