Chapter 6

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Forbidden Chapter 6

2 months later

Slamming the top of my alarm clock to get it to shut I lay down back in bed and try to go back to sleep again, sighing as I was wide awake I looked at the time and saw it was half 5 smiling I get out of bed and jump in the shower and get ready for the day. Walking out of my apartment I head to work, you might wonder why I'm up this early heading to work? Well one answer... Finn.

Ever since that day in the alley way when we kissed, we've become closer with each other and hanging out a lot more and kissing. We've both agreed nothing can happen between us like in a relationship, but kissing is fine. Not getting a lot of time in the day to see him or kiss we decided to go to work earlier without anyone knowing or being there.

Looking around to make sure no one I know sees me I unlock the door and close it behind me. Walking down to his office I can see his light is on, smiling I walk into his office. Looking up a smile appears on his face when he sees it's me, getting up from his chair he greets me with a kiss.

"If you'd have taken any longer Miss Berry I would have thought you weren't coming" he says putting his hands on my waist. "You never have to worry about that Finn" I say putting my hands round his neck. "I love spending time with you, even if it is sneaking around early in the morning" I continue and kiss him.

"Rach..." he began and kissed me back

"I don't want us to sneak around anymore Finn" I say pulling away from the kiss "I know we agreed just spending time together, kissing and maybe more. I... I just don't want this to be my life from now on, sneaking around it just isn't me Finn" I say

Shaking his head and sighing "Rachel we agreed to this nothing more, I'm married. Nothing else can happen between us.

"What if I want more?" I say to him hoping he would say what I wanted him too but knowing he wouldn't

"I can't give you what you want, I'm sorry. But if you can't respect that I'm married and have a wife who I love then maybe we should stop, and you can go, and I'll see you back at work at half 8" he says walking away from me

Trying to hold back the tears in my eyes I couldn't believe this was happening, I'm basically being used even though I agreed to it.

"If you wanted me to respect that your married Finn then you wouldn't be cheating on your wife" I respond shouting at him "I mean all the mornings we've been together for the last two months not once have you had a good word to say about Quinn"

"That's not true" he replies to me raising his voice

"Go on then tell me, what have you said about Quinn to me that is positive?" I ask him with my hands on my hips.

"I... Err..." he begins then stops. Rubbing his hand over his face he sighs. "we need to stop this"

"See you can't even say anything about Quinn that's positive and shows that you love her" I say sitting on the chair folding my arms

"Look I'm sorry" he begins kneeling down on the ground in front of me taking my hands "I don't want us to argue, it's just been nice spending time with someone who doesn't demand anything off me"

Sighing I hold his hands in mine "That's because I love you Finn" I tell him hoping I would get a response I wanted.

Letting go of my hands he stands up and backs away from me. "You can't love me Rachel" he says to me

"I can't help who I love Finn and for some stupid reason my heart chose you, I know your married, but I want you to give us a chance" I say closing my eyes, so the tears don't fall.

Walking over to me Finn wraps me up in his arms and kisses my cheek. Standing like that for 5 minutes before separating there's a knock on his office door. Not knowing what to do or who it is none of us make a move to have a look.

"Hudson, I know you're in there the lights are on" we hear a male say

Muttering under his breath Finn walks to the door and opens it. "I know you and Quinn are having problems, but I didn't know it was that bad that you're now sleeping in your office" the guy says walking past Finn before his eyes spot me.

"Who's this?" he asks looking at Finn and then at me

"This is Rachel, she's my personal assistant" Finn answers him closing the door and leaning on it

"well now I know why your both in here, good choice mate" he says looking at me up and down. Rolling my eyes, I look at Finn

"Puck what do you want?" Finn says rolling his eyes also waiting for an answer. Ah so that's Puck who Finn keeps going on about, if he wasn't such an idiot, I would have maybe thought he was hot.

"Quinn rung me up, saying that you keep disappearing early in the mornings and that you've been doing it for the last two months, now we know why. Is she doing her job you know with her being your personal assistant? Puck asks sitting on the desk with a smirk on his face

"Puck" Finn warns glaring walking towards him

"Nothing is happening between us" I decide to say but before any of us can say anything else the office door flies open with an angry Quinn and Santana following behind her.

"well well well what going on here then?"

A/N- So that's the end of chapter I hope you enjoyed. Please like and review also if you have any suggestions on what you want to happen let me know. Thank you 😊

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