Chapter 2

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Forbidden Chapter 2

It's the first day of my new job today and I'm quite nervous. I can't believe my life has changed to the point of where I have to work in an office, I mean all my hard work and dreams have been dashed. Kurt has been trying to tell me it's not as bad as I think but I do not agree with him.

As I'm about to walk into the building of my new job not paying attention someone walks into me and nearly knocks me off my feet.

"watch it" I say to this woman "I'm sorry are you talking to me?" she replies. "you nearly knocked me off my feet" "it's a shame I didn't but there's always next time" she replies with a smirk on her face. "Just stay out of my way" she tells me walking off.

I stare at the back of her as she walks off. I can't believe what just happened I've been here for not even 5 minutes and met someone who doesn't like me.

"Just ignore her, she's annoyed that she didn't get the job as Finn's personal assistance and is just a bitch in general" Kurt says walking up to me.

"I haven't even been here a day yet Kurt, and someone doesn't like me" I say shaking my head. "Santana doesn't like anyone Rachel just ignore her" he replies.

"Rachel" I hear someone calling, looking up I see Mr Hudson standing there smiling at me "Oh hi Mr Hudson I was just coming in" I said looking at him with a small smile on my face.

"I'll see you later Kurt" I said to Kurt smiling and waving to him as I follow Mr Hudson. "Bye Rachel, you'll do great, don't forget Santana doesn't like anyone so don't take what she says to heart" he said looking at me and waving.

Smiling and waving back I follow Mr Hudson into the building. Looking around I immediately recognise two people, one being Tina and the other being the one who threatened me. Avoiding her gaze, I decide to look at the floor while walking not concentrating I bump into Mr Hudson.

"Oh, sorry Mr Hudson" I say to him taking a step back. Smiling at me he grabs a booklet of a desk and hands it to me. "this is your staff handbook that you will need to go through in the next couple of days. There is an important rule that you need to follow" looking at him curiously to see what the rule was he pointed to a sign on the wall that said No office romances. Nodding my head, I look back at him and see that he is talking to another girl.

"Rachel this is Mercedes she used to be my personal assistant but found the role challenging so she moved back down to being office assistant" he told me with a smirk on his face looking at Mercedes. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying because that smirk was the hottest smirk I've ever seen. Catching me staring I quickly looked at Mercedes. "Mercedes this is Rachel my new personal assistant and your going to help her settle in for the next couple of days. Any problems go to her and she will help you if she can't then ask me. Any questions?" shaking my head he nods with a smirk still on his face as he caught me checking him out and gestures to me and Mercedes to follow him. "right this is your desk and I hate to throw you in the deep end but as you can see, I have a load of paperwork that hasn't been sorted out for a while, so I need you to go through it and put important in one pile and junk in another and then I need you to cancel my meetings for the next six weeks and move them back which might mean them clashing with other ones but if you have any problems Mercedes will help you okay?" Nodding my head, I sit down at my desk and he walks into his office.

"you so fancy him" I hear Mercedes say to me as she sits down next to me

"what makes you say that?" I ask her. "it's written all over your face Rachel, I saw you checking him out and so did he" she replies helping me through the paperwork. "crap" I mumble to myself. Trying to avoid the conversation I busy myself sorting through the piles of paper and sigh in relieve when I hear Tina call Mercedes over.

Thinking that the conversation has been dropped Santana walks over standing in front of my desk with her hands on her hips. "can I help you?" I ask her wondering what she could want. "yeah you can, you can keep your eyes to yourself when it comes to Finn. He wouldn't look twice at you" she warns me. "I don't know what your on about Santana" I reply rolling my eyes.

"listen here Berr.." she starts to say but is cut off by Mr Hudson. "Santana, what is going on here?" he asks looking at her. "oh, nothing Finn, just welcoming Rachel" she lies looking at me then back at Finn. "right well if you could go and actually do your work your meant to do, then that would be great" he says to her. "Yeah I was now going" she says not before giving me a glare walking off to go back to her desk.

"Is that all she came over for" he asks me.

"oh, err yeah it was" I reply cursing myself for not even sounding a little bit convincing. "Rachel I'm not stupid" he says sitting on the chair that Mercedes once was.

"Mr Hudson seriously everything is okay" I try to reassure him with a small smile. "Call me Finn" he tells me holding an empty cup.

"I need a coffee and considering I hired you as my personal assistant that job comes down to you" he says handing me the cup. "and listen if Santana causes you any problems come and tell me alright" he says standing up, standing up also I nod my head and walk towards the kitchen and make Mr Hud... Finn his coffee. Walking back to Finn's office I get called over by Mercedes and Tina asking me if I want to go and get lunch with them, nodding my head I quickly go back to Finn's office and I see that he is on the phone and not wanting to disturb him I knock on the door and put his coffee on his desk and walk out.

End of the day

Walking into my apartment I sigh in relieve that I survived my first day without having anymore conversations with Santana. Wanting nothing more than to have a hot bath and an early night I hang my coat up and head towards my bedroom and nearly scream from fright when I see Kurt, my cousin Brittany sitting on the sofa with an unexpected guest... Finn.

So that is the end of chapter 2 of Forbidden hope you enjoy. Please like and comment. Also, if you have any suggestions of what could happen in the next chapters let me know thank you. 😊

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