She Enjoys Killing Her Brain Cells

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(All dialogue is in Chinese. Also, a quick note: "Lu Chi" is a Chinese nickname given to a girl who has a bad sense of direction.)

"Lu Chi!" 

Meixing had finished placing the lock on her bike when she heard someone call her nickname. She peered over her shoulder and saw a boy running toward her. 

"Ayy. What's up, Ben Dan?" 

Dejun didn't respond right away, instead resting his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "Hold ... on," he said, his finger in the air. Meixing laughed and shook her head, stepping away from the bike. She stood in front of him, waiting for him to finish panting. 

"Okay, I'm good! Wait ... why are we in front of the RBW building?" he asked, putting a hand up to shield his eyes from the sun. 

Meixing walked to the entrance and did jazz hands. "I'm a trainee here," she said. She awkwardly smiled but that disappeared quickly when she lost her balance. "No, no, no, fuck!" she shrieked, barely saving herself from hitting the cement. She stood straight and put her hands on her hips, smiling as if nothing happened. "Anyways, yeah. I am a trainee for this lovely company. I have practice in ten minutes."

Dejun nodded. "Really? Meixing, that's awesome! I'm so proud! By the way, do you need to get going? Or..." Meixing waved off the question, shaking her head. 

"No, no. I've got time. Did you need something, Jun?" 

"I had a question." 

Meixing moved closer and nodded. "Yeah, shoot. What's up?"

Dejun scratched the back of his head. He had no idea why we had trouble asking a simple question. "Would you like to-- No, are you free later after practice?" Meixing nodded. 

"Yeah, it ends at 2 PM."

"You wanna hang out after that?" 

Meixing smiled. "Yeah, I'm down. Is there someplace you wanna meet?"

"I'll be here with my bike when your practice ends. You'll see me outside," Dejun replied. He had a goofy grin on his face without realizing it. Meixing was a little suspicious of that grin, but she thought nothing of it. 

"Sounds good. Well, I should head in..." Meixing faced the entrance, then suddenly spun on her heel. "Wait, I gotta show you something." Dejun peered over her shoulder while she scrolled through her camera roll. "You like memes?" she asked, hiding her phone screen and turning around. 

"Yes! Of course, I do." Dejun felt the laughter in his throat. 

Meixing smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Well, you're in luck, my friend. Cus what I got for you today is a ... premium Furby meme!" 

Dejun processed the image for a moment, the gears in his head trying to trigger some sort of reaction

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Dejun processed the image for a moment, the gears in his head trying to trigger some sort of reaction. He looked at the picture, then burst out laughing. 

"What the hell? Meixing, that's horrific!" he exclaimed in between chuckles. 

Meixing innocently smiled and shrugged. "What can I say? I enjoy killing my brain cells." Meixing laughed harder the more she looked at the Furby.

"Meixing?" she turned around to see Fangsu, her phone screen on the full display. Fangsu was about to speak when she froze, staring at the picture on her screen. Fangsu looked at Meixing, searching her face for some sort of explanation. Meixing gave Fangsu an equally confused look. 

Fangsu closed her mouth, nodded, and walked into the building without saying a word. Meixing watched her close the door before laughing to herself. Dejun smiled. Meixing and her friends were so funny together, he loved it. He admired it, too. 

"I guess I should get going, now. Like, for real." Meixing chuckled and tucked her phone, walking away from Dejun. "I'll see you at two?"

Dejun gave Meixing a thumbs up as he watched her wave goodbye, walking into the building. He mounted his bike and rode off, butterflies in his stomach. He didn't know why he was so excited and happy that Meixing had said yes, the same goofy grin making its way to his lips again. 

The entire way home, he thought of Meixing with a smile. The girl who enjoyed killing her brain cells made it hard for him to stop smiling. 

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