Not So Normal

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(All dialogue is in Chinese.)


YangYang panicked. He closed his fist, watching the light from the flame in his palm disappear. I really need to work on controlling the flames, he made a mental not for himself. 

"What's up, Tung?" he asked, twisting around to face her. 

Tungmei excitedly rushed over to YangYang's side. The two had gotten a lot closer. YangYang had gotten to know a lot more about Tungmei and vice versa. Still, YangYang felt the urge to be distant. He didn't want to let himself get too attached. 

"Nothing much. How about you?" YangYang looked off into the distance, coming up with an answer. 

"I've been alright, nothing new," he said. Tungmei raised an eyebrow. 



"Something's up with you. You've gotten quiet." Tungmei scooted closer, pointing a finger at YangYang. She squinted when she said, "Spill the tea, my guy."

YangYang wanted to laugh, but his worries stopped him. He couldn't tell her what was really going on, he just couldn't. 

He wasn't ready to tell the truth. 

"Ah, it's nothing. Classes are just stressful, so I haven't been getting a lot of sleep. Do you know what I mean? I'm just pretty tired." YangYang wasn't entirely lying. 

Tungmei nodded, seemingly convinced. "Ah, I get you. Lucky for you, I have the solution. I'll be right back, you stay right here. You're done for the day, right?" 

YangYang nodded his head. "That's perfect!" Tungmei exclaimed. "I'm gonna take a while, but I'll try to be as quick as I can. You take a nap, alright? 'Kay, see you in a bit!" Tungmei waved and ran off before YangYang could get the chance to say something. He was on the rooftop, so he leaned forward to see Tungmei grabbing her bike down below and mounting it. She looked up and waved at him, a bright smile on her face. YangYang found himself beaming while Tungmei rode off. He sighed, a goofy grin on his face, as he laid back and closed his eyes. 

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

"Welcome back, sleepyhead."

YangYang sat up, looking around with a hand in his messy auburn hair. He saw Tungmei sitting next to him, a cup of coffee in her hands. He groaned and laid back down, his eyes closing again. 

"YangYang, you're coffee's going to get cold," Tungmei sang softly. She smirked when YangYang shot up, his large eyes searching for the coffee. Tungmei chuckled and handed him a styrofoam cup filled with coffee. Starbucks. 

"Woah! You got me coffee?" YangYang asked, his groggy voice filled with excitement. YangYang could already smell hints of cinnamon and roasted coffee beans. He forgot all about his bedhead the tired feeling in his body when he took a sip of his coffee. The warmth of the coffee slid down his throat, a smile making its way to his face. The taste of a pumpkin spice latte. 

"Oh, and I got you this," Tungmei said, holding a bag out for YangYang. His nimble fingers took the bag by the handle. He peeked inside and looked back up, closing the bag. His mouth was agape. 

YangYang looked at Tungmei in awe, a feeling of warmth spreading through his body. Even though his fatigue hadn't been bothering him that much, he knew it was an issue. The fact that his friend that he hadn't known for long had rushed to get him something to take his mind off things while making him catch on sleep caused him to beam, brought a twinkle to his eyes. 

"Tung, you shouldn't have." YangYang put the bag down. Without thinking, he rushed to hug Tungmei. He enveloped her, the smile never leaving his face. 

Tungmei awkwardly hugged him back, a little shocked. YangYang pulled away laughing. "Thanks!" he said. He grabbed his latte and took a couple of sips. He opened the bag and pulled out a muffin, his mouth watering. "Here," he said, splitting the muffin and handing her half. Tungmei and YangYang sat on the rooftop, eating in silence. 

"Tungmei, is that you?" 

Tungmei looked up and saw a girl floating in the sky. It was her friend from class, Zhang Yu Yan. She was struggling, her limbs awkwardly dangling in the sky. Tungmei and YangYang glanced at each other before panicking. 

"Yu Yan, what the hell? Why are you up there?" she screamed. Yu Yan shrugged. 

"Jiwoo tried doing some Thai spells and this is what happened," she called. Tungmei noticed the green glow around her figure. Thai spells were the hardest to master. Tungmei had reached that level, so she was allowed to conduct Thai spells. Those who didn't, though, were adviced not to conduct them due to lack of practice.

Tungmei shook her head, walking over to the side of the building. She peered over the railing and saw Jiwoo looking up with an apologetic look. "Whoops," she said, shrugging. Tungmei sighed, glancing at YangYang before turning her attention to the floating Yu Yan. 

"Hold on, I'll get you down!" Yu Yan gave Tungmei a thumbs up. "Yes, please do. Floating with no control over my body isn't as fun as it seemed," she groaned. Tungmei giggled before snapping her fingers, her wand appearing in her hands. The water designs glowed blue against the stick while she made a circle with it in the air. 

"Down, down, down you go," she said in Thai. The green glow started to fade, Yu Yan slowly landing descending in the sky. She landed perfectly on her feet. She let out a relieved breath before rushing to hug Tungmei. 

"Thank you so much! You're a real one," she said, snapping her fingers at Tungmei before rushing down the concrete stairs. She watched her run down, already hearing Yu Yan's shrieking down below. She smirked, turning back to YangYang. 

He still seemed puzzled and dazed, his eyes squinting as he stared off into the distance. "I-" he stopped, shrugging and pursing his lips. "I ... What just happened?" 

"Magic malfunction," Tungmei said. She took a sip of her own coffee, looking off into the distance. 

YangYang's gaze landed on Tungmei. "You know," he started. "Times like these are when I remember that we're..." YangYang sighed, not knowing how to phrase his thoughts. 

"Not so normal?" 

YangYang's head snapped up, turning to look at Tungmei. She was still staring off into nothingness, her eyes cold and her mouth twisted into a frown. Her shoulders drooped a bit and a sigh escaped her lips. "Yeah," he said softly. He turned his attention to his fingers, watching as he played with them out of nervousness. 

"I gotta go," Tungmei suddenly said. She flashed him a small smile, getting up and collecting her things. She held the wrapped muffin half in one hand, her coffee in the other. "I'll see you around, YangYang."

She barely made it to the stairs before YangYang said, "Thank you again for the coffee!" 

She turned to look over her shoulder and gave him a thumbs up. "Don't mention it, bro." She turned back around, disappearing down the stairwell. Her words kept replaying over and over in YangYang's head as he sat alone, now staring off into the distance himself. 

Not so normal. 

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