The Infernus

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(Dialogue is in Chinese)

YangYang's stomach lurched as he made his way to the magic building's rooftop. It was the usual spot for Tungmei and him to hang out. His knees felt week as he made his ways to the steps, his breathing becoming uneven. 

Why am I so scared?

As predicted, Tungmei was sitting on the rooftop, he legs crossed. Her soft hair flew around each time a gust of wind hit her as she gazed upon the bustling crowds below. Her wand was next to her, her hand resting on top of it protectively. It took her a moment to realize she wasn't alone. 

"YangYang?" She abruptly turned, startling YangYang. He grinned from ear to ear as he approached Tungmei, taking a seat next to her on the warm cement. He followed her gaze and watched the students below walk by, none of them looking up. The sun hit his back, comforting him and causing YangYang to forget about his worries. 

It may have been a small moment in YangYang's life, but it was a perfect one. 

YangYang cut his eyes at Tungmei, grabbing her attention. "Tung?" 

"Yes?" she said sweetly. 

YangYang swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat as Tungmei looked at him, puzzled. "Are ... Are you alright?" Tungmei asked. "You look a little nervous."

"I'm..." YangYang squeezed his eyes shut as he sensed Tungmei lean in curiously, anticipating. "I need to tell you something." His palms grew sweaty. 

"What is it?" Tungmei waited patiently. She looked at YangYang's troubled face, the way he slightly quivered. 

"I'm ..." YangYang took a big gulp of air, finally mustering the courage, to tell the truth. "I'm an Infernus," he blurted. 


YangYang felt worse after telling the truth than he had before. He stared at Tungmei, secretly hoping for any sort of response. Even a whack across the face would be better than silence for him. 

"Tungmei, please! Say something. Are you ma-?"

"I already knew." 

YangYang gaped. He sat there, bewildered. "You what?"

"I already knew," she repeated. There was a hint of a smile on her face as she examined YangYang's reaction. She acted as if nothing had happened, placing her wand back in her bag. YangYang placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. She flashed a pure smile his way. 

"How'd you know?" he asked. 

"As you know, I'm an Aquaticus. We have a special ability to tell who has the ability to repel our abilities with theirs." She calmly rolled up her flannel's sleeves, revealing her wrist. "This," she said, pointing at her wrist. There was a small mark. A drawing of a flame. "This is what told me." Her fingers gently traced the outline, some ink smearing and covering the tip of her index finger. 

"Woah," she muttered. "It's coming off, now."

"Is it not supposed to do that?" YangYang questioned. 

"No, it is. I just didn't expect it to come off so soon."

"When did you get it?" 

"A month ago."

YangYang side eyed Tungmei. "What? A month later is soon to you? Tungmei, I worry." Tungmei glanced up and giggled. She rolled her sleeve, covering the marking. 

He swallowed hard, his eyes fixed on Tungmei's arm. Then it happened. 

He felt a sudden pain, coursing through his veins. It felt like pins and needles, just so much more intense. Then his arm went numb. YangYang groaned, suddenly feeling like he was being stabbed in his arm. He took off his jacket and saw that his veins were glowing light blue. 

His eyes widened in horror. 

"What is going on?" he nearly yelled. Tungmei calmly put her hand around his wrist, holding it tight. 

"It's alright," she soothed. "Hold on." 

In an instant, the sharp pain in his arm died down. Eventually, it faded away altogether. YangYang looked atTungmei with admiration in his eyes. He beamed, his eyes holding a happy twinkle. "Thank you!" he said. Tungmei nodded but told him to not freak out. 

YangYang was a bit puzzled, but then Tungmei removed her hand. When YangYang looked at his arm, there was an ink marking on his wrist. A drawing of an ocean wave appeared, glowing light blue. The glow died down and disappeared, leaving a shocked boy staring. 

"Oh," Tungmei said. "I guess you get that, too. A little late, though," she noted, leaning forward to inspect the marking. "Yeah, I felt that same pain, too," she said, standing up. YangYang couldn't take his eyes off the drawing on his wrist. He was still blown away. 

"Here," Tungmei said, tossing a book to him. He caught it effortlessly, opening it up and flipping through. "Turn to page 22." YangYang did just that, reading the words on that special page.

When and Infernus and Aquaticus meet, marking will appear on their wrists. They signify the presence of someone who can repel their magic with their own. There will be pain and one's veins will glow, but the marking will disappear soon enough.

YangYang sighed. "Man, life is crazy. I had no idea this could happen. So you knew that I was Infernus?" 


"And you didn't tell me?" 

Tungmei looked down, ashamed. "Look," she started. "So, I kinda wanted to see how long it'd take you to tell me the truth. But, I also didn't feel it was important."

"So you're not mad? You know ... cus I have fire powers and you have water powers? And because our covens hate each other?"  

Tungmei was astonished as she looked at YangYang as if he were an imbecile. "YangYang. You fool." YangYang's eyebrows raised. He had no clue how to react. "Of course I'm not mad!" Tungmei said, throwing her hands in the air. "Why would I be mad at you for something like that?"

YangYang smiled brighter than ever. The rest of the day, he was all smiles, constantly checking out the mark on his wrist. 

He was happy that Tungmei knew him as Liu YangYang. Not "the Infernus."

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