10. Second Chance

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Trigger Warning: homophobia, foul language

Italics are a flashback


They all walk through the door to the Hummel-Hudson house: Blaine, Kurt, Carole, Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, and Cooper. It's times like these that Kurt can't help but think about Finn, the brother he never expected to have and now seems strange to live without, even after over 2 years.

But today is a happy day, coming back from Breadsticks where Blaine said 'yes' to marrying Kurt (again). Their families are talking casually, but Blaine's father is pretty quiet. Everyone goes to the living room and settles in.

Kurt doesn't see Blaine's parents often, and this is the first time in a while Kurt has spent time with Blaine's father. He was surprised he even came tonight, even though Kurt had particularly asked for him. Mr. Anderson isn't too fond of Kurt. Kurt knows it has less to do with him and more to do with the fact that he is a man- and married to his son. The last time he saw Mr. Anderson, he came to visit Kurt with his wife in the hospital a few days after he woke up from the incident, and he stood in the corner and barley spoke or made eye contact.

Burt was trying again to start a conversation with Mr. Anderson, who usually wasn't very friendly to Burt either. Carole and Pam were talking it up, laughing and talking about the night and the boys. Cooper was sitting with them listening in to things he may have missed while he was away.

Kurt was eyeing Mr. Anderson as Burt persistently tried to make conversation. Mr. Anderson actually seemed warmer than usual. Blaine nudged Kurt with his elbow, noticing Kurt's staring.

"I want to ask for his blessing." Kurt says quietly. He had thought of this, which is why he asked for Mr. Anderson to be here tonight, but he never really made a plan on how to do it.

"What?" Blaine whispers, shocked.

"I want him to come to the wedding this time. Things have changed. Time has gone by. He sees how happy we are. I even caught him smiling tonight at dinner." Kurt says so only Blaine can hear him. He turns to Blaine and smiles.

Blaine rolls his eyes. "He'll never change." He says and turns to Kurt, "I love you, that's all that matters. And I don't need his blessing."

"But I want it. I want him to accept us. I want him to like me. Look at this," they look at the parents talking and laughing, even Mr. Anderson had finally gotten into a conversation with Burt and was belly laughing. "I want it to be like this more. I want us all to be a family."

"Ya it'd be great. But I gave up on my dad a long time ago. Remember what happened when we got married - the first time?"

"Ya..." Kurt says under his breath and both think back to that day....


It was Kurt and Blaine's unexpected wedding day. After the ceremony, the newly married couple find Pam, Blaine's mom.

"I'm so glad you're here, mom." Blaine gives his mom a big hug. He pulls back, blubbering, "We didn't know this was happening until today-"

"I know." His mom cuts him off before Blaine freaks out too much, "Brittney invited me and told me all about the surprise. If there was even a chance my boy was getting married today, I wasn't gonna miss it for the world." Pam says smiling. It reminds Kurt of Blaine's smile.

"Thanks, mom." Blaine says smiling too, then it falls from his face, "Dad?" he asks.

Pam just shakes her head and things are quiet for a moment.

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