11. Trying to understand

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Trigger Warning: homophobia, foul language, talk of sex

Italics are a flashback

By early March, Kurt is mostly healed. John Anderson takes him and his son out for some coffee at Lima bean. They have all ordered their coffee and sat down at a table.

Blaine was happy to try to invite his father back into his life. He wanted to catch him up; he hadn't really spoken to his father in years and John never been open to hearing about anything which involved Kurt before now and that was most of Blaine's life. So he was telling his dad about when him and Kurt got engaged the first time. The show choirs and the staircase where they met... then Kurt makes a comment.

"And that night was even better." he says giving Blaine a look. Blaine kicked him under the table, and gives Kurt an angry look. He father was just starting to come around, and he didn't want Kurt to push it.

"So have you guys... have sex?" Blaine turns to see his father actually seems surprised at the revelation.

Blaine is dumbfounded, "Uhh... yes dad, were married. Of course we've have sex."

"But like... you can't really..." John stops himself and starts again, trying his hardest to be more open, "How does that work?"

"Well..." Blaine bites his lip, unsure of how to explain this to his father, "Ummmm... it's similar to how you do it... we just use... um.. how do I say this?"

"Anal." Kurt says causally before taking a sip of his coffee, looking straight ahead at John.

"Oh, uh, ya, 'course." John pauses then says, "So like one of you is like the.... like the girl." It's phased like it should be a question but it doesn't really sound like one.

"He- no, dad," Blaine says looking down, "We're both guys. That's what.. you know... kind of the point of being gay." Blaine says awkwardly. He can't believe he's having this conversation with his father.

"Ya ya 'course, I know but like one of you is like the girl. Like one's got to be like on the.... and the other..." he says slapping his hands one on top of the other, " so like which one of you is..."

"D-Dad," Blaine stutters, "it's not about that. It doesn't matter."

"What you mean is bottoming. I usually bottom." Kurt buts in again before taking another sip of coffee, so casual as if they were discussing where to eat for lunch.

John takes a sigh of relief. His son might be gay but at least he's not 'the chick'.

"But, Kurt," Blaine doesn't know what to say or do. He can't believe where this had gone. "it's not-"

"It's true, and I'm not ashamed." John thinks he should be as Kurt says this.

"So you two have like a normal relationship?" Blaine's father asks. It just kind of slips out of his mouth.

Blaine was so happy his father was starting to see it this way, even if he didn't exactly have it down. "Yes, yes. Being gay is just like being straight. Really, it's the same love, we do the same things," he tries to explain to his father something that should be obvious to him, talking with his hands, not quite sure where he was going with this, "it's just... with... him." Blaine says looking at Kurt saying 'him' instead of 'a guy' be it was no longer about being with a guy. There was only one guy now.

John give as doubtful look but says nothing.

"Kurt what did you do?" Blaine says once they are alone in Blaine's childhood bedroom. John offered for the couple to say at the Anderson house that night to give Carole and Burt a night to themselves.

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