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Teach me How to tame this mind,
Unending thoughts, wishes going wild;
Illogical hopes, unnecessary pessimism,
Deep Despair, unfound optimism…..
It flies to the mountains sky high,
Only to sink to the bottomless oceans as a moment goes by,
A moment is all it takes to soar free in the air,
The very next one, it dwells into a sea of despair.
Sometimes a drop of rain makes it sway,
And at another a ton of gold can’t make the little pain go away.
Sometimes a flower makes it bloom,
And at others a garden can’t lift the gloom.
Watching someone happy makes it feel alive,
Yet for its own happiness-a constant strife,
An old memory brings a lovely smile,
A painful shred just raises bile….
A loved one in pain-a bloom of horror,
Watching them happy makes it surrender;
Teach me how to tame this mind,
Unending thoughts, wishes going wild!