self murder

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I love to hurt myself sometimes and the pain smoke flows in words.
It's painful and it grows.
Atleast now you can see my holes.(cigars)
But when healing my wounds, heal it slow.
If you're ready to take my heart don't let it go.
When i stumble and fall because i am a secret treasure.(flowers)
One of the greatest, you can't find another that has my same style or flow.
While they are submerge with pleasure.
I am submerge with alittle bit of clever,  even if you leave i am my own treasure.
I am my own second heaven.(flowers)

We all want a break sometimes from the hellhounds we have in stored in our minds.
It ain't love when you are lost.
When you are lost in pain.(cigars)
Take a deep breath and refrain.
Because it strangles from the time  you put those stab wounds to your flesh.
And yes it feels refresh, its unhealthy yes.
But the feeling is addicting.(cigars)
The feeling to end it all with no more pain no more failure.(cigars)
You have had enough pressure.
Centred in the middle of your mind, thoughts of departure runs strong  at times.(cigars)
But once you cross that line there will be no life.(flowers)

Negative thoughts have supplied your life but what about the happy times. (Flowers)
The beginning you strived to be a prince/princess or even a king/queen in your new kingdom.(flowers)
But those negative thoughts will never give you freedom.
Those demons, will never help you either.(cigars)
Every prince/princess was born a conqueror.
You are raise with light in your lungs so why do you  let them eclipse your moon.(flowers)

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