Chapter 2

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Lunch rolled around and like usual I meet up with the girls and their significant others at our spot. I haven't been eating lunch for the past couple months and they haven't seemed to notice. Which is surprising because they always ask me if I have any food, and I always give them the food I packed to “eat” for my lunch. Yet they never ask if I eat anything. Some concerning friends they are.

As P is talking about what she and B did on their date last night, I catch a glimpse of mystery guy out of the corner of my eye. I get up and leave unnoticed and run to catch up with him.

“Hey! Wait!!”, I called as I ran a bit faster I finally reach mystery guy.

He doesn't turn around so I gently tap his shoulder to let him acknowledge my presence. He jumps and quickly reaches up to pull his earbuds out of his ears.

“Ah! You startled me there.” he stared while chuckling slightly.

I blushed and pulled a piece of my hair behind my ear.

“I'm J”, I finally said sticking out my hand.

“E”, he simply stated as he reached out to shake my extended hand. “I saw you earlier today. When I was on my tour. You just caught my eye as I saw you rushing down the halls in a hurried manner”, he chuckled while slowly releasing my hand.

My face turned red once again. “Yeah, I don't like being late to class”, I replied with a small smile.

“I figured as you were in such a rush. Anyways, I just moved here from down south and let me tell you, this place is a lot different than my old home. Its smaller, there's nothing for miles. But there is a nice girl that is changing my mind of how bad this place really is”, he cheekily remarked.

“Oh really?”, I say giving into his little game, “And who happens to be this nice girl who you are talking about?”

“Oh, I don't know J. Just a nice, pretty girl, who doesn't like to be late to class. A girl who I just learnt the name of. And am already very fond of.”

I could feel my face burning as he says this, my face holding a goofy grin. I write down my phone number, hand it to him, turn on my heels and walk away quickly.

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