Chapter 3

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As I quickly make my escape from E to be sure not to say anything that'll make him unlike me, I return to my "friends", I see them still talking and not noticing that I even left. As I sit back in my seat, my phone rings with a text from an unknown number.

Unknown - Hey, it's E. Just letting ya know that I don't hate u for running away and wanted to see if this number wasn't a fake :)

I must have the goofiest grin on my face because P waves her hand in front of my face saying, "hey! Why u so smiley? Got a new lover?"

I quickly recover and shake my head no and simply state that it was my mom and she told me bought me cookies and I can eat when I get home. Everyone laughed at that and continued talking as I silently thanked God that they actually believed me.

I turn back to my phone and reply to E.

Me - Hiya! It's actually me, J. And it's great that u still like me even after I ran away. I just didn't want to embarrass myself :)

E - Nothing u do around me should make u embarrassed J. I'm just some guy u just met

Me - U may be some guy I just met. But I have a feeling ur gonna have some sort of effect on my life.

E - Well I hope the effect is a good one :)

E - this may be a bit too forward, but would u maybe wanna idk go for a walk around town tonight or something. We can talk, get to know each other.

Me - Sure. I would love to. Meet u at the ice cream parlour at 6? We can grab some ice cream before we start our night of walking.

E - Sounds like a date! ;)

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