Odd people at the metro

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Odd people at the metro

So last time, I spoke about a public transport rant, here again, public transport has become my lifeline.

So I go to my art class in the metro, nice convenient. But there is no place on earth where you don't find odd people who end up annoying you.

while traveling, I am at the first station, so I grab a seat and have space. After a while, the rush hour station comes, so many people crowd in. Then this man sits next to me, and he starts pushing me of my seat.

The Mumbai metro seats are like a long bench with bumps to 'distinctively' separate the seat.

Then that man pushes me on the bump. I push him back, then I see why is he doing this... There were three people trying to squash into one seat...

I gave them a look. Even three skinny people couldn't squash into one seat. So I was on the bump for a long time.

Mumbai has some weirdos. I am honest. There is this one category which annoy me a lot. Snobs. So this bunch of girls walk in the train.

"Oh my god, this is so dirty..." Or "why are the seats not cushioned" and of course, the famous "I can't sit here"

Are these girls dumb? (Rhetorical, don't even answer). They live in

Mumbai, until then, I thought even the snobbiest of them all were accustomed to some dirt, but I was wrong.

Then there are women will don't take privileges they get in the metro. The last seat is reserved for ladies only, but I see one or two women there and then there are many woman who occupy the general section seats while I am standing. You women! Use the special seats, you can take the seats at the general section but we (guys) can't take the seats at the women section! Learn to use your privileges!


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