The Past-Chapter 1

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Here is the official first chapter of my story. Look to the previous chapter for the cast and alterations to timeline and such to make better suited to the story I want to tell. This story is kind of pre/ beginning of Crimes of Grindelwald, just recapping on everything that's happened.

As a young child, I was pretty okay. Everyone told my father Phineas and my mother Rowena what a lovely child I was, so smart and kind. I got along well with the two brothers across the road, the Scamanders. I would often play Aurors and robbers with Theseus, look for creatures with Newt, and go on adventures with both of them in the forest near our houses'. Once I was old enough, I would zip around the backyard on my broom with dreams of playing Quidditch.

When I got older, I got sick a lot, but no one ever thought anything of it. Just colds and cases of the flu, 'back luck' they would say. But it was nothing some rest and a potion couldn't fix.

Fast forward a few more years, and I was on my way to Hogwarts. I was in Theseus' year; he was sorted into Hufflepuff, and I got sorted into Slytherin. I thought I would have been in Gryffindor because I often did stupid, albeit, brave stuff like climb trees to the highest branch. But the hat told me that the ambition within me was strong. Except for a few prejudiced Slytherins,most of them being my immediate or close cousins, the house was filled with friendly people. Besides I wasn't too far from the Hufflepuff common room where Theseus was. Despite being in different houses, we still hung out frequently.

A few years later, the year Newt entered school, I joined the Slytherin Quidditch team as a Chaser. The youngest female Chaser the school had ever seen. I became very close with the team who were all charming and open-minded people, but I still made time for the two Hufflepuff brothers. I took all the classes I needed to become an Auror. At some point during my 5th year, Quidditch started to take a toll on my shoulders; I frequently had to visit the nurse because I couldn't lift my quill. Newt would often bring around his small creatures to the hospital wing to keep me company. Leta Lestrange would often shoot me annoyed glances from the hallway, but I tried to ignore them.

"This one's name is Pickett," said Newt cheerily as he pulled a Bowtruckle out of his pocket. I hold my hand out for Pickett to hop onto, but he is hesitant. "He's very shy but-"

Pickett, without warning, crawls onto my hand, crawls into my sling that held the ice on my shoulder in place. Newt looked overjoyed. "Well, he seems to like you!"

I passed my owls with flying colours, and took 6 N.E.W.T. level course; Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Charms, Herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures. Theseus was now in all of my classes but one so it was very nice to see more of him.

It wasn't until my 7th year that things started to go wrong. I was on the train sitting in a compartment with my fellow 7th year Slytherin Quidditch players when my stomach started to hurt. I ran towards the bathroom and stayed there, feeling very dizzy.

"Linda, are you alright in there? You've been in there for an hour, and we're nearly there," called one of my friends through the door.

"Yes," I said weakly. I stayed on the train until everyone cleared off because I couldn't move from my spot. Professor Dumbledore and Nurse Buffay had to come and take me off of the train. Dumbledore carried me to the hospital wing.

That was the first time I stayed in the hospital wing overnight. I woke up feeling mildly better, but my whole body was sore, everything was fuzzy. Professor Dumbledore sitting at the end of my bed slowly came into focus.

"I must say, having to carry a student off the train is a first. You gave us quite the scare there Miss Black," said Dumbledore.

"What was wrong with me?" I croaked out.

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