The Cure- Chapter 5

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Next chapter up! I'll be uploading until I'm done this book then I'll go through and edit. I will be submitting this to the Wattys so fingers crossed!

"... and you have the instructions for what to do with it?" confirms Linda as she strides into a room with a fireplace.

"Yes Linda, but I hardly think it'll be necessary—" replies Dumbledore.

"It's just insurance that's all," interrupts Linda. "It's just in-case," she says softly. She can see her old Professors worry for her in his eyes. "Don't worry about me sir, I'll be fine," Linda says as she steps into the fireplace, powder in her hand.

"I know you will be," smiles Dumbledore.

Linda gives the man one last smile before turning serious. "French Ministry," Linda commands as she throws the powder in her hand down towards the ground. Within seconds her body is enveloped in green flame, taking her away from Hogwarts.

As the green flame subsides, Dumbledore's smile drops. "She'll be fine," he whispers as if trying to convince himself of his own words.

Linda materializes inside the main foyer of the French Ministry. She walks out of the green flames and confidently makes her way to one of the women sitting at their desks in the middle of the floor.

"Hello my name is Linda Black, I'm from the British Ministry and I'm here to pick up something from the vault of Henri Jarvais," says Linda.

"One moment please," says the woman at the desk. She folds up a piece of parchment in the shape of a paper aeroplane and throws it in the air. The parchment zips through the corridor before disappearing from sight. Linda, who's quite confused about what's just happened, stares at the woman who has returned to her work at her desk. A few awkward moments later, a paper aeroplane rockets back towards them and falls on the desk of the woman.

The front desk lady opens the letter, before standing up. "Please follow me. I'll escort you to my bosses office and he will instruct you on how to use zee vaults."

Linda follows the woman through the elegant marble hallways. It all looks very different from the British Ministry, it's beautiful, but to Linda it feels a little cold and impersonal. Even though her Ministry is a mess, she fells that it adds character and warmth.

"Here it eez Madame," the woman says as she opens the door. Linda walks into the large office as the door is shut behind her. She looks up to see an older gentleman behind a large desk.

"Ah, so you're the one that Dumbledore called in the favour for," says the old man through a thick smokers voice.

"I'm here for the Min—"

"The Ministry, oh yes sure you are," winks the jolly man. "Don't worry, your secrets safe with me. I owed Dumbledore a favour from long ago and I'm just happy I could finally return it." Linda clears her throat in discomfort. "So when Dumbledore asks for a simple favour, for a person who helped liberate our country no-less, it's not hard to bend the rules just a little." The man can see that Linda is getting slightly impatient, but is too polite to say so, so he moves on. "When you exit this office you'll go down this corridor here, and you'll take the second right. Hand the woman at the front desk this, and she'll let you into the vaults. Once you're there all you have to do is call out for the name of the vault you want and the shelves will do the rest." Linda takes the golden slip out of the man's hands and heads towards the door.

"Miss Black," calls the man. "I hope you find what you're looking for, I really do." She gives him a thankful smile in return and takes a look at the golden slip in her hand. This slip could really be the answer to her problems.

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