Chapter 18

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This has taken forever. And I am SO sorry. I've been very lazy with this story, and today my co-author got slightly pissed with me and yeah, you get motivated when someone's mad. So here it is! Chapter 18! Woo! 

Also, We've finally managed to come up with the location for the setting! It's in Mandan, North Dakota at Mandan High School! Hallelujah!

Alright. carry on.


Nathan sighed, rubbing the side of his face as he walked into the house, Varian's book of knowledge in hand.

"What do you have there?" Elle asked from her seat on the couch in the living room. Nathan paused, blinking.

If he told her he had a book on vampires, it was likely to cause another argument, which he didn’t feel like having. So he settled for, "A library


"About what?"

"I don't know. Haven't read it yet."

Elle nodded slightly, going back to the TV. Nathan sighed quietly, going up to his room and locking the door behind him.

"Okay. Lets see this thing," he said to himself, sitting down at his desk and opening the book to the first page. "This book belongs to Varian Joll. No shit," Nathan sighed, then set himself up for some in-depth reading.

It was roughly one in the morning when Nathan got through the entire book, which included nine chapters, a chapter where Varian had written in notes, and more information than he cared to know at the current time.

One thing from the entries written by Varian that bothered Nathan was a part where Varian said he had gotten angry at some deer for destroying his field, and just when he thought they should die, they did. That sort of scared Nathan- the thought that someone, if they’re angry enough, can actually kill something just by thinking it.

He chose not to comment on the final entry, which spoke of Varian biting someone. He simply rose an eyebrow instead.

Checking the clock, Nathan sighed. He'd been up too late, and would most likely fall asleep in first period. Walking over to bed, Nathan ungracefully fell onto it, sighing when his face met the pillow.

This was too much work, Nathan thought. He liked it better sometimes when he was still "human".

At least then everything made sense.

Varian laid awake most of the night, tossing and turning to try and get comfortable. But he just couldn't seem to get to that restful state, his mind constantly going back to Nathan. He'd been on his mind a lot lately and it was starting to irritate him. He loved Nathan of course, but he didn’t like him when he kept him awake at night. Sighing in frustration, Varian sat up in bed and stared up at the glowing stars and galaxies on his ceiling.

There were two-thousand twenty-nine stars by themselves and an additional hundred galaxies. "Too many sleepless nights make Varian a dull boy," he said to himself before running his fingers through his hair and pulling the covers back on his bed, flinging them to the side. Getting up, he padded across his room to his door and opened it a crack, listening. From Venerra's room he could hear soft deep breathing. She was out. Helen had brought her back late into the evening.

"Lucky her," he mused before walking out into the hallway and heading towards the kitchen. He was hungry. His stomach was aching. Not even flinching when his feet touched the cool linoleum of the kitchen floor, he went right for the fridge and opened it, peering inside. " Mental note," he said aloud to himself. "Go shopping," before letting the fridge door close by itself.

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