Chapter 09

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Homework was a bitch, Nathan officially decided, after over an hour of working on Calculus. Venerra had fallen asleep, as he had expected. He glanced over at her from his desk, watching her for a minute before turning back to his text book.

He was too distracted to do homework. He honestly didn't know why he even attempted it. He shut the book, leaning back in his seat and instead taking this rare, peaceful moment to think over how the past week had gone.

He had met a Vampire, for one. That in itself would be enough to give some a heart attack.

To make things worse, he found out that apparently he was one as well. Well... Sort of. The whole 'Changed, Mortal' thing still confused him.

Why hadn't he known? Because his mother and professional doctors told him he just had a disorder, that's why. But surely the doctors would have known there was more wrong than just a pigmentation disease? Come to think of it, he had never even really heard the term before.

He was five when he had noticed his eyes change color, showing it to Elle, who had taken him to the doctors the next day. The doctor explained what was wrong, and all was fine again. She didn't seem the slightest bit surprised. Which was odd, to him.

Nathan shook his head. He was getting off topic. Besides meeting a Vampire, he found out he could make it rain. And hail. And snow. And probably a bunch of other things.

That was weird as well. Whenever he read about Vampire's when he was younger, they were always creepy, blood-sucking demons that only came out at night and turned into bats. Which raised the question- weren't Vampires supposed to burn in sunlight? Yet he and Varian seemed fine; Varian even had a tan. He'd have to ask about it later.

On top of all that, he just had to like said Vampire. After barely knowing him. He just felt sort of... Pulled to Varian, in an odd way. It was hard to describe. And he didn't like that it happened so suddenly. Then again, his mother had always said that you can't choose who you fall in love with.

But he wasn't in love with Varian. He was just... Attracted to him. Highly.

He sighed, rubbing his forehead lightly. It was all giving him a headache; the entire situation. He was curious as to what would have happened had he not accepted the job offer from Millie. He wouldn't be concerned with Varian, and would ignore Justin's ramblings about him completely, as Andrea did.

Of course, then again, there also wouldn't be six year old laying in his bed. Nathan was curious about what would have happened to her if he hadn't agreed to watch her. Oh, she'd probably be with Millie or Jecklynn, he figured.

Jecklynn... He didn't like her very much for some reason. He had a slight feeling it was jealousy, which considering the circumstances, wouldn't make much sense. He liked Varian, Varian liked him, so nothing to worry about. Though, it had been a while since he'd done something that made sense.

Andrea was acting weird as well, with all the touching, and blushing. He really did need to find out why.

Glancing at the clock, he realized it was almost eleven and sighed. He'd have to be up early to take Venerra to school. It would be interesting trying to get there at such an early hour. He was already curious as to how many traffic violations he'd make.

Shaking his head, he changed into his pajama pants, yawning quietly before slipping into the bed beside Venerra and turning off the lamp.

"Rejection: the state of which the body rejects its own tissues caused from an allergic reaction of Changed blood on the cellular level ."

Flipping the page, Dr. Nhik leafed through the next few of the medical text book. So far he wasn't learning anything new. Gritting his teeth, he dropped the book open and glanced fleetingly at it, not really wanting to deal with all the research he was doing.

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