Chapter 01

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"Nathan, you're going to be late!"

Nathan sighed, hearing his Mother's voice for what could have easily been the fifth time. First days were always the worst.

Especially the first day of your Senior year.

He ran a hand through his still-damp hair from his shower earlier, glaring into the bathroom mirror when it refused to do anything he wanted it to. Finally he simply settled on just pushing it out of his face, grabbing his jacket and running down the stairs to see his Mother, Elle.

"Where's Dad?"

Elle put down her coffee on the table, clearing her throat. "He actually went to work early today." upon seeing the keys hanging from Nathan's fingers, she continued, "You're driving today?"

"I have work after school. Aunt Millie's giving me a job, remember?" he responded quietly, shrugging on the jacket and heading for the door.

"Right... Well, drive safely. I'll see you later." Elle called, barely seeing Nathan's responding nod before the door was shut loudly.

It was going to be a long 'First Day'.

"Varian? I'm scared. What if the teacher doesn't like me?"

"It'd be impossible for the teacher to not like you Venerra." Varian soothed, stopping outside of his little sister's classroom and squatting down to be on eye level with her. Setting her tiny backpack down, he took both of her hands with his and gazed into her yellow eyes.

"Don't be scared Venerra, I know it all seems scary right now, but First Grade is really important, and it means you're a big girl now."

Venerra's eyes shifted into a warm gold with hope brimming on the smile that rose on her lips.


"I promise." Varian said, drawing her into a hug and nonchalantly lifting his left fist to glance at his watch.

"Crap. I'm running later than I should be. I have to go now Venerra. You be a big girl and do what Mrs. Kelly wants okay?"

"Okay," Venerra said nodding her head, her chin length auburn curls shaking with the movement.

"I'll see you later," Varian said getting up and patting Venerra's head. Turning away he sprinted off down the hall and out the doors, glancing at his watch again.

"7:45! Crap!" Practically ripping the door off of his white wooden backed truck, he slammed it shut and turned the ignition.

The engine whined, clicking, but not catching.

"Come on! I can't be late on the first day! Come on you hunk of tin! Work!" Varian snarled, beating the dashboard where several dents were from previous battles with his fists.

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